Monday, July 13, 2009

minute vacation

Come along for a little mental vacation. In the middle of the dusty, dry game park we visited last March, we came upon this little guest house alongside a man-made oasis. For just 200 American dollars a night, along with our own food, we could relive the movie "Out of A*rica." Spectacular. We were delighted the caretaker invited us in for a tour. More than we can afford, but fun to dream about for a few minutes!

Imagine coffee on the veranda each morning while we watch the animals come for water.

Sweet naps here with curtains blowing in the afternoon breeze.

View out the bedroom window.
And a nosey neighbor.

1 comment:

  1. A breath of fresh air, to be sure. I've always told our kids that I'd love to go to Africa. Oldest daughter just watched the movie (you mentioned) and said she finally GOT it!

    Love this...just do.


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