Originally uploaded by podso
IT IS ALL ABOUT THE HANDS. When I lived in Africa, there were times when I forgot my skin was white. I was so surrounded by Africans in my daily life that I would forget ... until I saw my hands, such as when I paid for food in the market. It would startle me just a bit and I would remember that yes, I was white.
So now along came the privilege to stand up with my niece at her marriage to wonderful Andres. Could I do it graciously and gracefully? For starters, as I started down the aisle feeling quite casual and confident on the arm of a young father of two, I caught my heel on the white runner. I recovered okay and probably no one but the wedding director and a few back row folks noticed. Secondly, I found it hard at my age to stand still for 35 minutes. I swayed and actually caught myself from falling over during the prayer, where upon I decided to keep my eyes open to maintain my balance. But for the most part, I totally forgot I was the age of the rest of the wedding party's mothers ... and it all felt quite normal.
Until, that is, I saw my hands. Age spots, veins and wrinkles ... and remembered with a start that I was not all that young anymore. But I learned later that Spouse asked around for the name of the lovely, mature bridesmatron, wanting to ask her out on a date. (What a guy!)
It all was great fun. And many wonderful memories were packaged up during all the festivities that went on during the wedding week.
Bonnie said: "I loved reading this and it made me teary! Can't wait to see the photos. Glad you didn't fall over! My nephew did , as a teen, in my brother's wedding. The heat outside and no food helped with that fall. The wedding stopped for a moment and then went on as he was taken to get something cool to drink."