1. Eldest son pushed these into my hands.
2. And first thing in the morning, Little One sends a sweet f-cebo-k greeting
(with her mama's help, I'm sure) !
3. Lydia Grace always thinks of me
when she sees Blue and White, and
collects all year long ... :-)
4. And someone (whose name begins with "G")
listened to my wish list (lower item).
5. Dear friends, packing to move, gave up precious time to spend an evening with us.
She made blueberry tea, and I got to choose the pizza toppings: mushrooms and
black olives--and ground beef (a nod to the gentlemen in the group).
6. I found this at my door!
7. And today I'm thinking on this: ". . . All the days ordained for me were written in your
book before one of them came to be. How precious are your thoughts, oh God!
How vast is the sum of them!"
(Ps. 139)