Tuesday, August 28, 2012

once upon a post-script

I was touched at the number of you who affirmed my blog after my last post. I honestly wasn't out for that ... I was writing more about how I think I have nothing more to say, think about shutting down, and then something more comes along. Maybe that's the surprise pleasure (one of them at least) of blogging.

Anyway I did appreciate the comments because I don't have much confidence in myself, so it was nice to know some appreciate what I try to do here! Thanks! I also have had a very busy summer and find the creative juices flow less easily when life has a full plate. Big deadlines at work, helping both sons move and settle in new houses, adjusting to a new computer and design program, as well as a stubborn sinus infection have made it an unusual summer.

But I love "hope" --- what would life be like without it? And I have high hopes for the coming fall season. I'm hoping life will be simpler and I'm working to make it so.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

once upon a post

Every so often I think it's time to put the "closed" sign on this blog. 
After nearly seven years, what more is there to say. But it's no secret that I have a
 pretty active mind. I don't need to listen to the radio when I drive. 
Yesterday when I arrived at work I could barely remember the drive, 
I had so much I was thinking about.
So this is how it happens. I walk through the kitchen and spot my red onion.
 I love to leave these in full view and consider them a simple, cheap,
 and beautiful additon to my home decor.  What a pop of color.
My mind began to consider how the simple things in life can bring us 
such enjoyment.  Such as a red onion. 
"Now, that might make an interesting post. I'd at least love to take a few pictures." 
The camera is always nearby. I took no more than five minutes to take the pictures, 
off load them onto the computer, and then another five to "edit" them
 (make them look more beautiful.) As I did that I wondered why we 
get such a kick out of close-ups in photos of things we can enjoy close up by just 
leaning in closer to look at the actual thing. 
Maybe it's just me, but I do love those close-up shots!
I put the images to my desk top and let them settle there for a day or two. 
Meanwhile in a tiny corner cupboard of my mind, I considered 
what I might say with these photos.
Another day, after I finished with some other computer work, 
I took a "creative break" and switched over to Podso's dashboard to write this post. 
I left it there in draft to simmer for awhile and edit it a time or two. And here we are. 
I guess Podso is not closed down yet.
How do your posts work?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

quickie visit

Another drive by (camera) shot ... in the old city of Wilmington, NC near the beach. 
I simply love old houses and this one caught my eye. It would be so nice 
if I had a friend who lived in this house and she invited me for a visit.
 I just don't think 15 minutes would be long enough, do you?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Red Blocks

I think my father's love of bricks became mine. He loved brick streets and brick walls especially. And yes, built us a red brick house the year I was born. I remember so well watching bricks being made by hand out in the African countryside––a huge basin full of red clay slapped and smoothed into a rustic wood forms. And set to bake in the hot sun. Not all that different from making bread or cakes, really.
And what could be prettier than brick steps to leading to such a welcoming door?

Joining in Mary's Monday Mosaic at Little Red House. Visit to see more!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Lightening strikes . . . again and again ....

I was putting a load of wash in early one morning before heading to eldest's house to do some painting (I am the official family painter). A little white moth began to dive bomb around my head. At least one side of my head. It's no secret that I don't like things with wings flying inside my house ... birds, moths, bats ....  Nor do I like the surprise of little jumpers like crickets, which remind me of small frogs. But I digress.

The gardener was nearby and I called for him to help while I continued to load the washer. "Get this little moth, would you? He won't leave me alone." As the "moth" continued to fly at me, the gardener insisted I was imagining it. I twisted the dial to start the machine and turned off the light. It was barely dawn. I then realized I was seeing arcs of lightening to the side of my right eye. Not a little white moth. 

I was tired, I hadn't slept well after a busy weekend at work. I was sure the flashes were due to fatigue and would go away. The day got brighter and it seemed they were gone as I gave a second coat of paint to son's bathroom. I was so relieved. But I did keep watching for "clouds" or a "curtain" to fall over my eye (classic symptoms of retinal detachment, which I knew could be what I was dealing with).

Unfortunately as dusk approached later that day, I was disheartened to note the lightening reappeared and continued into the next morning.  I called the eye doctor and they said I must come in a.s.a.p., and they fit me in with a retinal specialist for that very afternoon. I began to be scared and started feeling a heaviness in my eye. Or was it my imagination?

After a two hours of waiting and varied exams, the Gardener and I left the doctors elated and very grateful that my eye was OK.  I only had PVD, "Posterior Vitreous Detachment." Totally age-related. Imagine that (hear sarcasm). And the heaviness in my eye? The doc looked gently into my fully dilated eyes and agreed it might be related to my reading about such a symptom. Imagination is my strong suit.

After a quick bite to eat we stopped by my mothers for a visit. We walked her down to the sun porch. It wasn't long after we settled in for a visit that a big storm arrived. Lightening flashed and thunder roared. I had a double dose of lightening it seemed. It struck again and again ... in the sky and in my eye. It reminded me of that old Lou Christie song so popular in the 60s ... remember it?  "There's a chapel in the pines . . ." Going on to the chorus, "Lightening strikes again and again ..."  My new theme song. (My symptoms may or may not go away, but I am already getting used to them.)

And note: If you ever experience such a thing, do not delay in calling  your eye doctor, just in case.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Photo cards this month from posts several years ago of summer vacations 
in the mountains, and the lighthouse, obviously, at the beach!

Please visit A Haven for Vee for her monthly notecard party...a favorite of mine!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

simply beachy

 We had not been to the beach at summer time in years. So the Gardener and
I slipped away in the middle of the week to use our choice hotel deal for two nights.
We had such a good time: walking on the beach,
 touring an old city by trolley; eating at interesting places, and ....
... walking around a Family Amusement park. It was mainly
for small children and we thoroughly enjoyed watching the excitement on
young faces and their exhausted parents. We actually felt somehow OK with the
 fact that those days were over for us! In fact one guy walked passed us
and said, "Wow, it looks like such fun to just sit and watch!"
Unfortunately our neighbor phoned us the last day to let us know a large limb 
had flown down from a tall tree and entered our house via the front window. 
So we rushed home to clean up before another storm arrived. 
Thankfully it's only the window ... 

Excuse the phone photos!

Thursday, August 09, 2012

in the grocery line

It was her hands I noticed first, as she helped to load her groceries from counter into cart. Strong, aged, arthritic and obviously used to hard work. Firm but gentle. I could see them kneading dough and I could see them tenderly stroking the golden hair of a child. The kind of hands I love to watch.

Her gray hair was pulled back into a soft bun. She was tall and trim, dressed in black slacks and shirt, with a small black apron. Maybe she was coming home from work. Her groceries told me she was stocking up on supplies and that she cooked from scratch. She smiled readily and talked casually with the clerk.

Soft wrinkles lined her face. She exuded maturity, confidence, and at the same time apparently not concerned that she wasn't wearing the latest style, or that her hair had gone gray. She had reached that stage of life where she was comfortable with who she was.

As she headed out of the store, grocery bags piled high in her cart, I moved up to the counter. I wanted to follow her home and have a cup of tea at her kitchen table. I think I could learn things from her.

It was just one of those moments that I haven't forgotten.

(not my photo)

Sunday, August 05, 2012

a first

I enjoyed a little recital when Little One finished a week at ballet camp. It was a lot of 
singing, hand motions, and a few twirls. Lots of fun. Little Brother seemed to take it all 
in. The busy activity and a few gold fish kept him entertained.
It came to me that this was a first ... of many. We are blessed to have our little ones in town. 

Joining Mary's Little Red House for Mosaic Monday.

Friday, August 03, 2012

gifts from afar

I was awestruck as I unwrapped a birthday package from my sister. First of all, packages
 that come in the mail are always a treat. And then the unwrapping adds intrique
 and beauty to the whole experience. I love this color theme! And the gorgeous oversized mug 
just makes coffee (or soup!) an even better experience for my senses.
I am given journals because people know I love to write. I keep a house journal,
 an idea journal, a sketching journal, a journal about stories my parents tell, 
a journal about daily life, and have made "altered" journals ... and, ETC !
This states a good reason to journal ... or blog!

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

catching rays

My great grandmother always looked stern to me. Of course we know why people in those days didn't smile much––to hide their not-so-pretty teeth. I've often heard what a hard life my great grandmother had. She lost her husband early and raised a large family on her own. Her grandsons held her in highest esteem. I wish I had known her! I find this photo fascinating. Look at her shoes. Her hat, dress, etc. My take on it is that she is getting some rays (though not that much of her body is exposed) while her grandson, my uncle, sits on the porch and reads. All her grandsons read a lot. The other idea is that its a Sunday morning and they are waiting to go to church, since she's a bit dressed up and he is in a suit. I just love this little slice of life!

I read once that if elderly people spent 15-20 minutes in the sun three times a week it would reduce the number of fractured hips by 75%. Maybe she knew what she was doing, as to the best of my knowledge she never broke a bone!
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