Wednesday, August 22, 2012

quickie visit

Another drive by (camera) shot ... in the old city of Wilmington, NC near the beach. 
I simply love old houses and this one caught my eye. It would be so nice 
if I had a friend who lived in this house and she invited me for a visit.
 I just don't think 15 minutes would be long enough, do you?


  1. No, not enough time. I'd want to "sit a spell" on that porch and sip some sweet tea and munch on a pecan tassie while re-reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" or "Gone With the Wind". Certainly not enough time for GWTW!
    The house that I grew up in had a big front porch that covered the front of the house and wrapped around one side. I have such lovely memories of playing games, reading and waiting for "Jerry, the Popsicle Man"!!



  2. I'd like to transport this one up here and move right in.

  3. I feel the same way about many homes...I'd just love to have a tour. I'd just love to sit in one of the rocking chairs and rock a bit.

    Wouldn't it look more welcoming, though, with open curtains. It looks so closed...perhaps there are too many like you and me. =D

  4. I love old houses too.
    : ) Kris

  5. This is so cute and I'd love to be invited in, too!


  6. Podso,
    15 minutes wouldn't be enough time to get beyond those rockers on the front porch, dear friend! Lovely photo of this gorgeous home!

  7. Not enough time! I always wonder who lives in the houses I like, what is their life like.

  8. I love houses like this with beautiful front porches to sit and rock! I wished I could have found one like it in CO. No. I'd want more than 15!

  9. I didn't know you were a Chicogan (Chicagoite?) -- I'm sure you know where our place was having lived there. It would be a nice place to live (for a couple or a single -- not for a family) And yes, we sat and gazed at the view -- had the TV on for a bit to watch the Bears game and that was all -- why would you watch television when you had that wonderful view. And Monday it rained -- watching rain at 14 stories is a lot different than watching rain at Linderhof. I felt as if I wasn't just watching rain but I was IN rain!

  10. You could always have a new friend by knocking on the door and telling the lady of the house how much you admire her home, particularly the porch. Maybe you would be invited for tea? :-)

  11. 15 minutes would definitely not be long enough. That is such a beautiful home.
    Hugs, Cindy

  12. I love driving through quaint little towns with old houses like this. Feels like a step back in time where life was simpler. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  13. More than 15 minutes would be needed, for sure! It's a charming house and I'd love to see the inside of it as well. I wonder if the occupant is a blogger...


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