Wednesday, December 31, 2014

looking back on December

 Earlier this month we met some of our family at a halfway point for a
Christmas gathering complete with a Charlie Brown tree.
December is a time for family, and we remember those now missing
from our celebrations. While we miss them, we find comfort in a new generation,
 also a bonus of growing older.
Sisters: one learning to play the piano, while Littlest has discovered pouring tea.
 Both the Gardener and I were sick on and off with a virus through the month
but I at least managed to enjoy Little One's school program and our church's Messiah.
We savor meals with good friends around our table--even more as the years pass it seems.
 Time with grandchildren is always precious. Here we are doing a sock puppet show.
A favorite time of the whole year is Christmas Eve with our family gathered around.
Joining Cheryl's last Gathering the Moments. 
Thank you for hosting, Cheryl.
I've enjoyed participating this year and am grateful for Cheryl's friendship, 
and for her encouragement to slow down, 
to look back, and to savor the moments each month!

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Digital photos are great, especially when they help us remember the past year.
The above show somewhat randomly the year that was:
an abundance of snow, times with good friends near and far, travels locally and far 
from home, our mentoring gatherings, birthdays, grandchildren, my knee surgery, 
and the youngest grandchild's delight at Christmas.
Grateful to God and looking forward with anticipation to all the new year holds.

Joining Judith's Mosaic Mondays.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Wisdom's Crown

(Don't you love it when someone sends you a photo of a gift you gave them being used?)

See how humankind received him;
See him wrapped in swaddling bands,
Who as Lord of all creation
Rules the wind by his commands.
See him lying in a manger
Without sign of reasoning;
Word of God to flesh surrendered,
He is wisdom's crown, our King.
See how tender our Defender
At whose birth the angels sing.

~from a Medieval Dutch Carol

May the wonder of why the Christ child came to earth fill your hearts
with joy overflowing as you celebrate Christmas.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

on the third try

When we found an old fireplace surround and had it restored, I was really excited 
about decorating the mantle each season (or more). Little did I know
 how challenging it could be, especially placing things against a red brick background.
My first try this Christmas just didn't cut it (I don't have a photo it was that bad). 
Then I thought to go to all red and white.
This was voted down quickly.
The third try, I think I found something that worked.
And this one we're sticking with.

Joining Judith for Mosaic Monday

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Photo Challenge

This was straight point and shoot and then cropped.
 Macro lens on my point and shoot.
Merry Christmas!

Linking to Donna's Photo Challenge today.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

a cloudy morning

I love the way a cloudy day--at this time of year--makes me think
it's winter and maybe snow is coming (but of course it's not.)
I had our mentor group over for a meeting breakfast last week and
was actually glad it wasn't a sunny day as a candlelight breakfast is so pretty! 
This year we put the tree in the dining room so we can see it from
several rooms. It's a bit crowded so we'll see how we like it.
I love the way my pink depression glass (or I should say my grandmother's)
compliments the Castle Christmas dishes.
Homemade Christmas cloth napkins from years ago.
I put the "snow candles" in the center and they lit our table nicely.
Before they left I gave each friend one of the candles off the table, wrapped in a brown bag.
Breakfast menu: quiche, muffins, fruit, juice and coffee.

Sunday, December 07, 2014

surprised by snow

Well, not real snow. 
I've seen these sweet snowy jars all over and decided I needed to make some.
I love jars anyway, and candles too.
I got my supplies, set it all up, and was done in five minutes or less.
Just that easy. 
Paint the jars generously with Decopage. Place epsom salts in a pie tin and roll
the jars in the salt until covered. Let dry for up to a day.
Decorate with twine and whatever you have to add to the twine.
I wasn't totally happy with what I used, but it was what I had on hand.
Put in a little tea light and it makes a great decoration or hostess gift, etc.
Just know you don't want to handle it too much as it will shed a little snow!
I'll show you more of how I used them on a table later this week.
Joining Judith's Monday Mosaics.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

From both sides

I've had these window views to share from our visit to
Germany this past summer so thought I should post them before they get too old.
Nothing to do with this season, but I do love windows, looking in or looking out.

One of Munich's most beloved oddities is the "Glockenspiel", or carillon. 
If you notice the books in the foreground you see that I've taken this 
picture from inside a huge bookstore on the city square. 
It was five o' clock and the players had come out to play (see top of tower).
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