Tuesday, July 13, 2010

off highway lunch

We detoured to a quaint touristy town when we were traveling south awhile ago. We stumbled upon a small cafe for lunch, and since we were lunching early, we almost had the place to ourselves. It was quiet.

In time, more folks arrived, and as I looked around I realized most were around our age group--certainly all were over 40. Then the music came on. Oldies. And with the "oldies" you can't keep away the memories.

It became "one of those moments," as I realized that we, all strangers eating at separate tables, had become connected by music. Music that played on the radio when big things were happening in our young lives. Anyone around my age will understand. I'm glad the Gardener and I went to college together, for when a old 60's song comes on we just have to look at each other to know we are remembering the same thing. Such fun, those "oldies." And such fun growing older together.


  1. Music is so powerful. I can change your mood in an instant. Music (for me anyway) draws strong memories both sad and happy.
    I remember when my niece said she went to a concert '3 doors Down', I thought 3 doors down from what? Its fun when everyone 'understands' the music.

  2. Makes me wonder if you ever wander over to Beaufort, NC? When we used to visit my inlaws (when they lived in Morehead City), we'd detour there. Loved eating there.

    That's what your pictures remind me of! :)

  3. I love that mist shrouded walkway! It's always nice to discover a quant town and a good restaurant when traveling. McDonald's just doesn't compare.


  4. Memories, memories....what a blessing to have someone near and dear who knew you back in the day and can share those memories with you.

  5. I love those 60's songs that can dredge up forgotten memories of back in a simpler time...maybe not that simple, but I was a teen, so I had no worries!

  6. It always amazes me that I can't remember what I ate for breakfast but as soon as I hear a song I can remember the time and place I was when I connected with the song.


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