Sunday, January 12, 2014

grandma pics

I enjoy a day with Little Brother when we can work it out. This week I got some bright colored pipe cleaners. Saw these "games" somewhere on the internet. Who would guess dropping pipe cleaners through a paper towel tube could be so funny, or threading them through a colander could be harder than we thought? The pic in the lower right corner makes me laugh. Nine month-old baby sis is clearly posing with a smile for the budding young photographer, 
but I think her biggest thrill is pulling up on things. 

This would make a good pre-school work sheet with the question: "Which picture is wrong?"
Well I guess that depends on one's perspective on life. 
Who says we have to conform to a normal way of wearing a jacket?

I call these "Grandma pics" as they were ones I grabbed my iPhone for, not wanting
to miss capturing the moment. The quality isn't great but I'm still connecting to 
Mary's Little Red House for Mosaics on Monday.


  1. They are all adorable photos of your grandchildren!! I can see why you captured these wonderful memories. The little one posing is just adorable. Have a happy week!

  2. Ahhhh, but then these are just as cheering as posies! Lots of fun!

  3. Pipe cleaner fun - wish I'd thought of that when our grands were little.
    Lots to do to keep the little ones occupied, isn't there?

  4. They are precious photos and perfect. What camera is the best, the one in your hand at the time. Grandma pics is a fantastic title. Take care, Jen

  5. I LOVE these photos!They made me smile, especially the coat 'interpretation'!;-D You're a lucky grandma with such sweet grands for company, (and spontaneous subjects for your snaps!).

    Have a lovely week!


  6. What gorgeous photo,s and the kiddies are adorabel .love the baby smiling at her br other with the camera. Sp precious

  7. Grandma pics are the best! And the coat was probably easier to get on and it looks nice, too! Love the fun games you make you feel young...then tired! But it's worth it! Enjoy your week!

  8. Ha ha Grandma pics are the best ! LOVE the jacket picture...that is just hysterical. Then the little one pulling herself up to pose for her picture...priceless :)

  9. Now who's to say we can't wear our coat on backwards. It may be the newest trend. I loved the photographer lining up his shot. Valerie

  10. I think I have said it before, but I am jealous of the grandchildren.

    I want a few!

  11. They are just delightful!!!
    Love the green and pink version of the coat back the front - exactly "who says"!!!
    The budding photographer and 'precious baby' peeping over the top of the table is magical.
    Print them off for lovely family Note Cards!

  12. They are priceless, Dotsie! You are going to have to start a special album just for these sorts of shots. I especially like the one of the photographer and happy subject.
    The kids gave me a book in which I can write down cute grandchild comments - I think pictures would be a great addition.

  13. Love these photos! Such cute grands. We got the same camera for our eldest for Christmas and he loves it!

  14. What fun times these photos represent! You're right to grab the shot on your phone verses missing the moment!


  15. They are all wonderful photos and such happy ones too. I love the pipe cleaners through the colander idea - sometimes it's the simple things that work the best with children, rather than fancy, expensive games!

  16. Oh, that depends on your definition of quality... HIGHEST quality in my books. ;) So precious. I'm putting those pipe cleaner activities into my bag of tricks! Thank you for sharing. I love, love, love that baby girl's smile for her sweet brother photographer! Nice capture, Grandma. ;) blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  17. Oh, these are great photos! I am glad that you took them, and glad that you shared them. So much sweetness.

    You've got to love how children think. Why wear that cute pink jacket in the traditional least every single time? Change is good!

  18. Great pics even if they are iphone ones! I miss the way my kids use to dress themselves and put things on Brought back a lot of memories. Happy New Year!

  19. Oh so cute! I love that adorable Little face peaking! The pipe cleaners look like I'm inspired to do this with the girls! I suppose Little One is a big girl now! Hugs,

  20. Lovin' Little Brother's britches. :)

  21. They are great shots of the grands. I love those games I must remember for next time I'm with my little grandsons.

  22. What great ideas, and such sweet images. I love when the grands come by~

  23. I use my iPhone for all my photos! :) Looks like you and Little Brother had a great day. Cute pictures. As for the coat, was probably easier to put it on that way and why not, it's the front that needs to keep warm. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  24. These are so sweet. Love the pipe cleaner activities.


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