Wednesday, January 08, 2014

as the world spins

I was in an Emporium near our house the other day.  It has many small booths filled with interesting things and is run by a group of older women who seem to be friends.  (Aside: I say "older" but some of them could well be my age. Why do I forget my age? I'm often surprised when I find out that someone I think is much older than me is really my age. Living in denial maybe?)

Back to story: On this day there was a big sale so the checkout counter was pretty busy. And these ladies were all talking about  ----  vertigo. They apparently have all dealt with it. To hear their lively banter and stories was somewhat amusing as I knew what they were talking about.

I've had vertigo twice ... and the first thing I would say about it is if there is a ceiling fan operating over your bed, to turn it off.  My primary sent me to an ENT the first time. By then all symtoms were gone but he did a maneuver and there was nothing to it. He was looking at my pupils when he did it.

A year or so later, a second episode. How impolite for Ms.Vertigo not to check with me before arriving if this was a convenient time to come or not, because all activity must stop. A friend encouraged me to watch a YT video of the this maneuver and to try it. I had my husband assist me because I found it a bit scary during the process and was glad he was there to sort of hold on to as the world spun so very fast it seemed out of control for a brief second. But then it was over and the vertigo was gone. I was amazed to hear the women talking about doing this maneuver in almost a casual manner. It wasn't "casual" for me!  


  1. I've had a few friends affected with vertigo in recent months. It makes me dizzy just thinking about it!


  2. I have had mild cases of vertigo a few times (and one time not so mild), but I have never heard of this maneuver. You are brave to try this on your own (it doesn't sound "casual" for me either!), but the quick results are compelling evidence that it was the thing to do!

  3. I have never had vertigo, but Nana did. Twice. I was with her, and it was awful.
    I don't want it!!!!
    XO Kris

  4. I do appreciate knowing about that maneuver because it really does take care of the issue. Bless God for You Tube videos! So do all of us old dames get this? Oh my! Inner ear gone berserk!

  5. I have never experienced vertigo and I hope I never do.

    I hope you are done with your vertigo episodes.

    As to aging and appearance - when I was teaching, I was always surprised to find out certain people were younger than me. I was actually the oldest person on the staff, but I was the Activities Director and I dressed more like a middle school kid than an adult because of so many of our activities. Now I know I look my age because my mom's face has replaced my face in the mirrow.

  6. I've had it more as I get older not a good time, I just sit very still till it passes.

  7. I've never been diagnosed with vertigo but have had the odd dizzy spell for a few hours. I agree, it's not fun, especially when lying down, but don't know of any maneuver to cure it.

  8. I've never had vertigo, except for being on a spinning amusement ride once. I learned if I closed my eyes I could tolerate it without getting dizzy. Youtube is full of valuable videos--we always check it when we run into a house maintenance problem.

  9. Interesting, I've not experienced vertigo and it sounds like I don't want to either. It's a whole new phase to life as we age, isn't it?

  10. Vertigo is not fun, it happens to me - or not sure, but sometimes I get up too fast after going a day w/o eating and so dizzy it takes forever to subside. It happened a few days ago and I just clung onto my dear hubs for my life........glad to know I am not alone, but it's scary and not fun. Good info, thank you.

  11. I need to find that YT link for any future need. I have to chuckle about your "denial"; it really struck home to me when one of my friend's grandson turned 23 and I realized that was the same age I was when she and I became friends!! Every once in awhile something knocks us out of denial. hee hee. blessings ~ tanna


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