IT WAS A VERY BUSY DAY ... no time to stop and catch my breath. Ten wee ones to care for, 10 mothers to teach, multiple blood tests to do, admissions to admit, etc. Midst it all, I lost my notes that told me many important details on each patient. My worst fear. I lost them for a long time and was helpless without them. I looked and looked and looked as panic began to set in. I'd been praying, but realized I needed to stop and focus on praying. "Lord, show me please." Very slowly, as if in a time lapse, a picture came out of darkness into a clear focus. And I knew where to look. There they were. Tucked under a baby's crib.

For the rest of that day it didn't matter how pressed I was, for I sailed around as if the best thing had just happened to me. God heard and answered my prayer. He rescued me.
Originally published Sept. 22, 2007.
I always wonder how we can put something down without even getting up and yet we can't find it a minute later. Pens, scissors, tape. I think it is a signal to slow down.
ReplyDeleteHello Ms.P...
ReplyDeleteOhhh yes...God is soooo good!!! What an inspirational story or testimony of how God hears and answers our prayers!!! I have served the Lord for 30+ years and He has never failed me! I may fail but He is so merciful and gracious to forgive...such unconditional love!!! What would we do without HIM? Sure wouldn't want to find out...that's for certain!!!
Well my friend, what a sweet post to share with all of us for Sunday Favorites today...I loved it!!!
Lord Bless you and have a super Sunday, my friend!!!
By the way...I'm thinking that this is a new blog look for you? It seems like it's new to me...but then I have many senior moments...sometimes I'm like a goose that wakes up in a brand new world each day! Hehe! I love your blog background...and your header photo!!! So pretty and so autumny!!!
ReplyDeleteWarmest wishes,
So glad you found the notes you were looking for.