After my "fence dream" post I wondered if I did not sound thankful. It was meant only to say what a lesson it is to me to realize the "grass is not greener" on the other side of the fence. Being thankful for what we have is always a good exercise, that needs to be done frequently throughout the day. So this morning I took stock.
The list is longer than I can even comprehend in my mind, but a few are: today; God's grace flowing towards me like a river for the next thing I need it for (in a minute, right?) (per John Piper's analogy); a husband who cares for my mother as much as for us; two boys God gave to us as a gift--who bring much joy mixed with a little spice; a sweet granddaughter who has a wonderful mother; a warm home filled with things that bring thoughts of others; the opportunity to love babies and teach their moms how to care for them; a mother who answers the phone in her beloved, familiar voice when I call her every day; and freedom for many things, including--and especially--worshipping the God I love.
Of course there are many more.
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