Saturday, May 31, 2008

A new take on shower foods included some of the mother-to-be's food cravings!

The grandmothers-in-waiting.

It's always special when a great-grandmother can be there, and this great-grandma gave the coming baby story books that she read to her granddaugther, the mother-to-be.

1 comment:

  1. What fun, and two cute babies also in attendance! It is very pleasing to find that the young girls we knew growing up, with our 3 boys, are now young ladies, and becoming wives and mothers, following another cycle of generations. May the Lord continue to bless them, and guide each one.
    Grandmothers and grandmothers-to-be, what a joy! Sing and read as much as you can to these little ones! What a privilege to hold your new grandbaby in your arms, especially a sleeping one! Time marches on!


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