Today I stopped at a popular chain grocery store. Wide aisles, well oiled grocery carts, nicely dressed people, good lighting, soft music ... it was the perfect place to spend a little extra effort studying food products as I had some time. Oh, and did I mention "expensive prices?" Of course, compared to the store where they put a lot of stuff up on walls. I wanted a particular item I could only get at this store.
Time to check out--quiet time of day, only two checkers, one was working on a huge order and the other had a "one item" person in line. Who would you choose? Turns out the one item person was exchanging, or something complicated, so the manager had to called, etc. etc ... as time marched on...
Along came a "Higher up," I'll call him, as often happens when there is a jam at the check out. He had seen what was going on from behind his big desk and noted that I had been there a bit too long, waiting patiently. Just then another woman arrived in the check out area, and hesitated not knowing where to turn. "Higher up" looked at me, an "older" woman, and then at the other customer, remember, not in line yet, and called her over to his counter. She happened to be in short shorts, blond, tanned and, you know, quite cute. Of course he should have pulled me over to his lane; that is how it's done. He glanced over at me sheepishly, plain and simply squirming in his eyes, and I knew that he knew that I knew that he had profiled the situation and chose young over older. Just one of those things.
But there was some redemption to the age thing. After my order was completed, the young checker rather gingerly asked if I was in a certain age bracket. "Just arrived," I smiled broadly.
"Well then, you get a discount just for today." $3.50 off the bill. What a deal.
"I'll take it ... there are benefits to growing older."
Now fully aware of my age she asked if I needed help with my shopping cart. "Oh no! I'm not that old," I quipped back. I sped up my pace as I pranced out of the store, noting the young blond woman still checking out. Wow, "Higher up" must be a bit slow on the job.