Friday, January 02, 2009

An Empty Page

When I think over the past, event-filled four years, I am amazed at all the unanticipated things that came into our lives. In many ways those years are like a blur, fast-forwarded on a DVD player. Sometimes I notice changes around our city from these years, and feel like Rip Van Winkle just waking up. 

And now another year is here. Maybe things will slow down a bit. Maybe they won't. The year ahead is like a blank page, waiting to be filled. There is one certainty, the rest are only guesses. God is faithful, as He has been in the past, and promises to be in the future.

A  tangible  peace fills me because of this certainty. I carry it, mixed with a big dose of joy and hope, in my pocket as the year moves ahead, for whatever may come to be written on those pages. "Be strong and of good courage ... fear not, nor be dismayed; for the Lord God ... will be with you; He will not fail you nor forsake you." (I Chron. 28:20)


  1. Thanks for the verse at the bottom of your post. It's holding me up. :)

  2. It's full of moments like today, with you bringing tea in a basket, and serving hospitality to the soul. Thank you. Love your border.
    Emma and Bonnie


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