Saturday, January 17, 2009

Down Spout Showers

Water was a continual challenge the years we lived in West Africa. Though it didn't seem like it to us, apparently we lived on an elevation, and when the city water was actually working, it had trouble making its way through the pipes up to our house. The supply tank, on our flat roof, frequently ran dry and we'd find the taps at the sinks spewing out air rather than water.  

I've never taken water for granted since that time. We learned to do many different things with just a single bucket of water, and took advantage of every rainfall. Usually than meant collecting water in containers, such as barrels or buckets, but occasionally we donned swimsuits and showered under the abundant flow from the downspouts (quite luxurious, mind you, compared to washing with half a bucket of water or less.)

Before I left for Africa, a wise older woman reminded me to pack "flexibility" in my suitcase. That was certainly needed there ... as we learned to flex with erratic electricity, poor water supply, unreliable food sources, and suddenly changing plans.  Her words remain with me as flexibility is needed in my life now as much as then.  It's all about holding things in an open hand and being willing to go with the flow of what life brings. There's a lot less whining that way, isn't there.

Photo: our house in Ghana. At the center, near all the plants, is the area where we had our "roof run-off" showers.

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