Saturday, March 19, 2011

are we happy?

I think a lot about happiness and how we become happy. And I think about joy, which I consider more a more deeply rooted emotion, not based on outside things, coming from the depths of my being. Happy, to me, is more temporary and maybe a bit more superficial, but I guess it's all in the semantics.

If my happiness depends on circumstances and things, and even people, it can shatter instantly into a zillion tiny pieces, just like a jar dropped on my ceramic tiled kitchen floor. But if it's based on looking outside of myself, if it's based on caring about and doing something for others, it becomes more rooted and genuine. I may not have it all figured out, but one thing I know, it's all about putting others first. And everyday life in my small world, and in the big world around me (think Japan), gives an abundance of ways to do that.

When I first posted this in January 2010, I said "think Haiti." Connecting to Chari's Happy to Design for Sunday Reposts.


  1. Amen! I do believe that we should be joyful and grateful each and every day no matter the circumstances. We also should spread joy and do unto others every single day that we are given. Even the smallest of kindnesses on a daily basis will bring happiness to someone and joy to those who give and do. Everyone gets wrapped up in the tragedies and disasters of the moment but then soon forget and go back to their daily lives and routines ... we all can't do great things, but we can do small things every day ... that's the motto I live by. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed day. Tammy

  2. Joy stands for Jesus and others and you - - - in that order.

    Good post.

  3. Think Japan, indeed, and count our blessings. The goings-on in Libya are pushing it off the news, but the people in Japan are still suffering terribly.

  4. There is just so much going on in the world, my head is spinning. It certainly makes us examine our own emotions and feelings.


  5. I agree, Dotsie. Joy is a deeper and faith-rooted thing. Happiness is a fleeting emotion. The people of Japan are enduring a great trial. May God bless them... Tanna

  6. Hi Podso
    Our world today has become very materialistic. If we had fewer things and lived a simpler life, I think people might be happier.
    Happy Spring to you.

  7. Yes, you said it Podso. I have Japan in my prayers everyday and do things for them, because I'm so grateful that as for right now, we're safe.
    May God bless Japan and our homes.
    Hope you come over, here at Sunday's.


  8. Podso, thank you for your comment and for caring. Your post was perfect for me to see today.

  9. Your post reminds me of the Scripture in the gospels that talks about being wise by building your house on the rock (Christ) so when the floods come your house will stand. :-)

    Your cauliflower soup was inspiring. I'm going to try it. What is chicken paste? Also, are your bread recipes posted?

  10. Thoughtful post, thanks also for taking the time to comment on my blog recently. I hope you will call by again.

  11. Hi Dotsie...

    I sooo enjoyed this post, my friend! It's funny...but as I was reading I kept hearing all those sweet childhood songs about "Joy" that I learned in Sunday School!

    "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy...down in my heart! Where? Down in my heart...down in my heart! I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy...down in heart to stay!"

    I don't know whether or not that you know that sweet little song. Jesus is the reason for my joy!!! Thank you for sharing this sweet post with us for the Sunday Favorites repost party this week, dear friend!

    Have a wonderful week, Dotsie!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  12. We should always be grateful and happy for what we have today.

  13. I couldn't agree more. When I was young, I did not understand this concept. Always looking for things to make me happy instead of finding the joy within. Thankful that God taught me this lesson and now I can say my heart is full of joy.
    Great post!

  14. I can't stop thinking about Japan and pray for them and everyone else who is suffering every single day.

    Blessings and best wishes,


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