Saturday, February 05, 2011

gone missing

A dozen eggs: missing from my house. I find myself "misplacing" things regularly ... I don't want to dare to guess how much time I've wasted this week looking for lost items. But to lose 12 eggs? That's a bit surreal to me. I don't usually buy eggs at T*r-get, but did the other day for a recipe I was making for a shower brunch. When I went to get them from the frig last night, they weren't there. In fact, I don't actually remember unpacking them from the shopping bags. I checked: All through the frig. The freezer. The cupboards. The trunk of the car. The back seat of the car. The garage. I did not look under the bed, but maybe should have. I retrieved the receipt. Yes, a dozen eggs purchased Feb. 3 at 2:33 pm at the big red dot store.

I remember that as I gathered up my bags and pushed the shopping cart to the lineup at the door of the store, I wondered if the young man lining them up would ever call after someone who had left something in the cart. I don't usually wonder about such things. Did I subconsciously think that because I actually left the eggs in the cart?

Just one of those questions that I'd be best tossing to the wind. And I'm not going to look for the eggs anymore or think about them. Unless I start smelling something.


  1. We have misplace a case of Diet Pepsi. Bought it at Costco and it never showed up again. Husband swears he didn't leave it on the bottom of the cart. We, too, have searched high and low. Maybe it took off with your eggs to a warmer climate!


  2. Yep, this is why I use the self checkout every time I can:@)

  3. Podso,
    Hm~m~m~ something doesn't sound quite right, does it? I remember getting home once with items I hadn't purchased from the grocery.
    I made the trip back to the store with the items. The clerk acted annoyed that I had brought them back. Nothing perishable. .. guess she didn't want to have to deal with the groceries. Who knows. Wherever your eggs went. . .I hope they went to good use and not to waste! Thank you for reminding us to "check out" our groceries and shopping bags before we leave the store!

  4. LOL! Doesn't that just drive you crazy when you can't find something you KNOW you have? One of my blog friends put her slaw mix in a towel drawer, but luckily found it before it had time to ruin. Is this our age??? I'll be hoping you don't smell anything unusual. hee hee.

  5. Oh, I do know that feeling! A few weeks ago, I got home from Wal Mart and looked everywhere for a pkg of razors and shaving cream I bought. I went through the same scenario so I thought surely I left them there. I called the next day, and believe it or not the girl told me yes, come get them. When I got there, they could not find them anywhere. I was kind of aggravated after having made a trip back up there. So they told me just to go get it off the shelf. Fast forward a couple of weeks later. I went into the garage to get the spray paint I bought and what do you think was in that sack? Yep, the razors and shaving cream. I've got to return it to Wal Mart. I'm sure they'll think I've lost my mind. And they may be right!

  6. I've done that - left a whole bag at the checkout. Thank heavens it was a store I shopped at on a regular basis because they remembered me and set it aside. That said, I seem to spend an awful lot of time looking for things lately!

  7. Dotsie,

    We do the same thing. Better eggs than your purse. My husband gets so upset about "missing" things. We make a shopping list and refer to it frequently while shopping and still forget....


  8. I've not lost eggs but I have gone to the store to get one specific item that a recipe was waiting for and ended up with a bag full of "stuff" but not the item I went to purchase!! I call it "intellectual overload".


  9. Anonymous4:02 PM

    This happens to me about once every couple months. Our supermarket is so nice. I just take my slip back, show that I bought it but did not make it home with it and they do not hesitate to tell me, graciously, to go get one off the shelves - every time. First I scour the car, of course. Sally M.


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