As I was dumping the "white load" from my new washer to my new dryer (my 25 year old faithfuls died a few months ago) I felt incredibly blessed at the ease of my wash days. For quite a few years, doing the laundry was a "thorn in my flesh."
1. First there was the laundry mat. I dreamed of doing laundry at home.
2. Then we bought an apartment-sized washer and dryer. It was quite a process: dragging the machine to the sink to fill it and empty it, and running the dryer two hours to get the stuff dried. But it was at home!
3. Sometimes the washer would shake like crazy on spin. In one second story apartment I draped my body over the machine during spin cycles to try and calm the intense spinning in order to keep the downstairs landlady from coming up to ask about the house shaking. And always at attention during the drain cycle to be sure the return water did not overflow the kitchen sink!

4. Living in Africa: a new wringer washer. I would load the washer with the hose. When finished I would place each garment through the (electric) wringer, watching my fingers carefully. It would go into a metal tub filled with rinse water. The boys used to love to help, catching the clothes as they came through the wringer and sloshing them into the rinse tup. Then through the wringer again, into the laundry basket. Then out on the line it would go. I always hoped things would dry before afternoon rains came up. Sometimes the wash would hang for a day or two, getting extra "rinse cycles"--and great bleaching in the African sun. (And that laundry included cloth diapers for our baby!)
5. When the power was off we'd do wash by hand, in a bucket, or better yet, agitating it with our bare feet in a bath tub.
6. In recent years, I've enjoyed a "normal" wash situation--that is a regular washer and dryer. Except--a poor hook up in our current house led to overflow floods of the drain system ... spoiling our floor.
7. Thankfully with our newest machines, the installers finally figured out how to fix that, and ... I think we're good! Finally, after so many years. I always felt God was teaching me things through my turbulant wash days. But I'm sure there will be new ways for lessons to be learned!
Photos: our boys playing in the rinse tub many years ago.