Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bordering on the Magnificent

"My mother has been lately adding to her possessions in plate, a whole Dessert-spoon 
and six whole Teaspoons––which makes our sideboard border on the magnificent. 
They were mostly the produce of old, or useless silver."

 Written in a letter from Jane Austen to her sister, Cassandra, Dec. 27, 1808.
It sounds like Jane Austen's mother also went thrifting. 
I too enjoy finding an occasional treasure in a teaspoon ...
... or using pieces of my mother's that "take me right back" ...
For instance, sliced tomatoes in the summer were served with this round serving spoon.
Such a merry group!
Connecting to Mary's Little Red House for Monday Mosaics.


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Jane Austen's mother also went thrifting. Love this, Dotsie! :)

    I use my grandmother's silver for everyday. It's a comfort to see it daily.

    Happy weekend,

  2. I love a mishmash of old silver cutlery in a dish on display! It's the kind of thing that we don't use daily anymore but it brings me delight to see it whether polihed or tarnished. Lovely!! Happy day to you. Pamela

  3. I love your mother's silver and to use it everyday is great, I also like your display of it. I always love to use and see my heirlooms displayed around my house from my MIL and grandma, they are comforting as Zuzu says. My mother is still with me, she's fine and she's 82. Imagine, Jane Austen's mom went thrifting too...ha! Have a sweet weekend dear Podso.

  4. I'm always on the lookout for old silver and love mixing it up. I found six old ice tea spoons this summer--Joy!
    On the down side, local folks don't drink sweet tea.


  5. My everyday mix and match silver is all from thrift stores...we love it!

  6. I share your fondness for old silver. When we married my parents gave us sterling flatware, and since that time I've had fun adding odd bits to it. My best moment was at an auction some time ago. I bought a terrible old cardboard box for $2 because I could see a blue and white plate in it. Under the plate, wrapped in newspaper was an assortment of junk and six coin silver soup spoons. So beautiful - I love to use them!

  7. I love silver, old silver especially. It sounds like Jane Austin's mom did go thrifting! How fun!
    Yum, I'm loving the turquoise with the silver, too.
    Have a beautiful day!
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. These are beautiful! I too have picked up special pieces of silver at thrift shops. I'll have to post a picture of some little serving spoons...if I think of it. I wondor what they are....maybe butter servers. The beauty and ornate-ness of silverware from two generations ago astound me. What works of art.

  9. I love the charm of mixed up silver! And it is so pretty to use and display. although my son likes the regular new flatware...too many ghosts he says!


  10. Hi Podso
    I've been picking up the odd piece of silver from the antique shops and it looks right at home with my SS silverware.
    You have a nice collection.

  11. What a perfect way to serve that serving piece specifically for tomatoes? I have one very similar and now I know. It's interesting to learn about all the various serving pieces and when one knows what they are, it makes perfect sense. How fun to think of Jane Austen's mother thrifting. Love the color combinations here...the teal and the fine.

  12. A wonderful collection of silverware--especially as they bring back sweet memories!

  13. Podso,
    My MoMa went on a campaign in her small town to save all the mismatched silver pieces from an unknown fate. Her Southern upbringing wouldn't allow her to leave any piece unsold at an Estate Sale! Oh, the pieces I have that she thought needed to be in my home "for safe keeping"! NOW...I have become ..."My Mother's Daughter" with more than just silver.
    I love the aqua hue behind your photos!

  14. Love the mosaics. Taking the pictures from above, fabulous. Have a great week:)

  15. This is such a fun way to enjoy the things we've collected. I love that pottery mug, too...and quotes from Jane Austen are the best! ♥

  16. I love your collection of silver! Just beautiful!

  17. I love silver cutlery. I have some of my own and some of my husband's mothers that I use. A very creative mosaic. V

  18. That is lovely. Love your mosaic.

  19. Such beautiful, beautiful pieces of silver... and linen... and words... Makes me smile and smile!! Old silver is one of my very favorite things. I have a serious weakness for it. Your mosaics are wonderful, Dotsie. I'm sad that Picnik is going away just as you introduced me. Have a wonderful week. blessings ~ tanna

  20. These bring back memories for me grandmother had all of these unusual (for us moderns) objects, in all shapes and sizes and mostly all silver plate.

  21. Dotsie --the Staten Island ferry is FREE!! It has been for quite a few years--it is NYC's best bargain! :)


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