Tuesday, April 19, 2011

no (wo)man's land

There is a time that I hold dear. I call it "no (wo)man's land." On the rare occasions that I travel alone, it's the time from my arrival at the airport to the time when I grab up my luggage at my destination and head for the door.

Since I feel like I'm sort of "on call" all of the time ... this richness of time alone is a rare treat. I may be surrounded by people, but no one knows me and no one bothers me and no one I know really knows where exactly I am.

I read, or knit, or sip coffee, or rock in our airport's white rockers if one is empty, OR--most fun of all--people watch. And what a show. I could watch people all. day. long.

I recently traveled to see one of my sisters. You'll see some photos down the road. Meanwhile, this is HER white rocker. I had my rocking chair sit here since the airport rockers were fully occupied when I was there.

LOL: the term "no man's land" stems from WWI describing an area of land between two enemy trenches that no one wished to take control of. Hardly what I mean!


  1. Dotsie,

    I love a good rocking chair.

    These early mornings are my time. I visit blogs, write my blog and play with my pictures. It is my time to organize and plan and reflect. When I don't have this time to myself I get frazzled.Now that the blog seems to be running more smoothly I am back on my schedule.


  2. Dotsie, I love this post... and I share with you love of time when we are totally free of expectations or duty. Of course, we wouldn't enjoy it without the demands on our "normal" days. Glad you had the treat of anonymous-time. ;)

    Love your new header and your sister's rocker! I look forward to seeing and hearing more about your trip! blessings ~ tanna

  3. I'd never thought of my airport time in this way but it's so true. I'm anonymously there! My favorite thing to do is people watch--remembering when I, too, struggled with a toddler and an infant alone (how DID I do it?); wondering where the elderly couple is going--a new grandchild? To be alone in a crowd can be very rewarding! Can't wait to hear about your sister adventures. Mine are coming at the end of May.


  4. I need some no-woman's land time! I rarely fly alone but I do love to people watch in the airport. Truly a melting pot of every type.

  5. This sounds so good. :) And LOVE your header photo. I'm sure that there's a story to go along with it. And would enjoy hearing it. Looks like Africa to me.

  6. I love to rock in a rocking chair and I love to people-watch, especially in airports. My hubby and I try to spot people that look like someone we know. Blessings, Pamela

  7. Goodness, I haven't visited in ages! I just caught up on your last many posts.
    Lots of life style changes for me. I've lost my job, am starting a consulting business, opened a blog store (still in progress) and so on. But YOU-I love your latest post so much, as I'm sure we are soul mates. I live alone, though my brother and his daughter and son live next door. And I still love to go off by myself and shop or people watch. A rocking chair anywhere beckons me. Take care, dear friend!

  8. I love to people watch, I do it everywhere much to my hubby's annoyance. I think it's a great pastime!

    I'm looking forward to your pictures. And rocking chairs in the airport??!! You would abhor O'Hare and Midway! The floor is your best bet.


  9. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Sounds lovely. Can't wait to see the photos!


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