Thursday, January 06, 2011

angels in a black jeep

     The January "snow storm of the century" took us all by surprise. The Gardener was oblivious to it all, traveling on the other side of the world. As I spent a cold evening alone and without electricity, I wrote letters by candlelight, frequently peering out the window at the fairyland of white and ice. I felt like I was in a scene from Dr. Zhivago. The stillness was profound, interrupted only by the wind and a fairly regular snap, crackle, and thud.

     I had such a feeling of helplessness, knowing the trees would fall where they would. But I also was filled with a wonderful peace. It helps me to visualize things in my prayers, and as I prayed for protection, I could almost see a band of angels swarming around my house, shooing away the falling trees.
     My sleep that night was interrupted only by the really loud thuds. As long as the house didn't shake I felt OK staying in my warm bed. The next morning was welcome after a strangely serene, yet terrifying night. Sunlight does one a world of good, and the day was bright with the glistening snow.
     I surveyed the mess. Trees, limbs, branches ... everywhere ... like a white Hugo (a hurricane our city survived years ago). My neighbor was nice about our tree sprawled across his yard. "When my husband gets back we'll take care of it," I assured him. He offered his help as well. But I was disheartened thinking of all my weary husband would face after his long journey. I told God my concerns, trying to let peace win over my helpless feelings as I looked at all there was to be cleaned up.
     That afternoon a black jeep suddenly appeared in our driveway. Two young men climbed out armed with a power saw. They offered to cut up the fallen tree and stack it neatly at the curb. After we dickered on a fair price. I proceeded to watch, astounded, as these energetic young guys made short work of the fallen tree. They came and were gone in less than a half-hour.
     What made these guys drive down to my cul-de-sac at the far edge of a neighborhood? I had a strong sense that God had heard my concerns and sent them just for me. I know God cares for us, protects us, and always has our best interest in mind, but it is "so cool" when He gives us such an obvious demonstration! He sent me two "angels" in a black jeep on a cold, snowy day.

Written about a snow storm a few years ago ... 


  1. I remember that storm. Our neighbor had to drive down south with a gas generator (and gas) for his daughter and her family. I suppose he was her angel.

    I remember Hugo too. We moved from Charleston a few months before "he" struck. Had we been there, we would have probably headed straight toward Charlotte which would have been a mistake in that particular instance.

    Glad it all worked out.


  2. Angels, indeed. One just never knows in what disguise they'll appear!

  3. They do sound like angels...there just when you needed them. Wonderful story!


  4. Podso,
    You have blessed my heart, mind and soul with your message today. Reminded me of that song "Angels Among Us"! Thank you for being God's messenger!

  5. Hey sweet one. I did enjoy this story, but glad you're not having to live through this sort of weather now, while you're sick.

    Rest lots, okay? Not that you have an alternative. :)

  6. Faithfully hearing and answering our prayers... Amazing, isn't it?

  7. Wonderfully descriptive post. I love your voice. Yes, they sound like true angels to me!

  8. Angels indeed. This account is most certainly "so cool." Gives you goosebumps.

  9. Wonderful story Podso! It is so true that angels can have many diguises.

  10. Hi Podso, What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing.

  11. Hello Podso ,such a lovely story told with your beautifull writting style ,I love your photos ,I will be visiting again ,xoxo theodora


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