Sunday, January 16, 2011


In the upper left corner is an image of my great grandparents and my great aunt. That is NOT how they dressed; they were on a visit back to their homeland of Holland and were in traditional dress for a photograph--probably a tourist thing. My great grandfather came from Holland as a very young man, with a pocketful of "trinkets" to sell door-to-door as he created a life for himself in the new world.

I've been scanning some old photos lately as I work on a blog of our family history. Such curiosity I have about those in my family who have lived before me.  In these photos you see my great grandparents' house; my grandpa taking a picture of my great aunts (a large age gap between them) and my mother (tallest girl standing with a short brown bob). Also my great-grandfather with his (horse and cart) construction company. How interesting it would be to spend a day ... or two or three ... living with them!

See Little Red House for more interesting mosaics.


  1. Dotsie,

    I am scanning old pictures like yours little by little. I agree about being able to spend some time with some of your ancestors. As I get older I have so many questions and a need to have complete information and order.

    Have a wonderful week.


  2. Wonderful photos! I have old photos that I need to figure out how to scan as I'd like to do some sort of book for both boys. Are you using any special program for your family history?

    Yes, I would love to go back and spend time with my family.


  3. Podso,
    There is a deep gratification and "grounding" in looking back on family photos! Like you, I think it would be amazing if we could 'step back in time' and listen to our ancestors. I'm sure I'd probably give them a raised eyebrow (or two) at some of the things I've done in my life! Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos with us!

  4. Great pictures! It seems that maybe your interest in photography is genetic :)

  5. Podsoe,
    I love your old family pictures. They are so fun to look at. I too have been scanning pictures so they won't be lost. They provide such an interesting history don't they? Thanks for sharing yours.

  6. What a good thing to do - I'll have to learn how to use the scanner, and get busy.
    I loved your photos. Even in the tourist photo everyone looks so natural and un-posed. You are so lucky to have these!

  7. Wonderful photos...and they make such a special mosaic! I know it's a lot of work...I've scanned a lot of mine, but it will be worth it! ♥

  8. It is wonderful to pull out the old family photos . Your family photos are wonderful. You have reminded me, I have always wanted to do my family tree.

  9. How beautiful and precious. I have about 150 photos of my family and my brother is big into genealogy. Great mosaic.

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog today. We do have a lot of deer in our area. We had to brake 2 different times on our way to church at supper time today for them. Their tracks are all over the fresh snow along the roads and in the fields. Have a great week!

  11. I have been finding old family pictures as I clean my Dad's house, so interesting. Thank you for sharing your family. Take care and enjoy your week.

  12. Hello - how fortunate you are to have all these wonderful photos...and what a great thing you're doing for future family members by preserving and displaying them!

  13. Hi Podso
    I love looking at old photos - the period dress and the architecture of the homes.
    Around here, some of the old photos have helped preserve the heritage homes.
    Thanks for sharing some of your family.

  14. What wonderful family photos you have! It's always fun to look back at the style of dress & hair :-)

  15. The mysteries that lie in pictures past. If we could only unlock the stories behind them how interesting it would be. Lovely mosaics.

  16. What awesome photos and great mosaics!

  17. I have been working on my genealogy for years and years now. Sometimes I make great progress, and then the rest of the time I crawl along at a snail’s pace. My old photographs are my treasures, and I, too, have scanned them and have them on cd’s . I have even had copies made and have created note cards with them. Your photo collages are so lovely. The old clothes look so similar to the ones I see in my old photos. Your put together a wonderful post for this week. Thanks for sharing your family with your blogging family.

  18. I also love looking back at old family photos and have scanned many myself. There is definitely a similarity between the photo of your mother and your avatar photo ;)

  19. Add me to the list - I also have been doing a lot of scanning old photos to preserve the past. Your mosaics are wonderful!

  20. Wonderful mosaics of your family! You are fortunate to have a treasure trove of old photos.

  21. Off and on over the past few years I have been delving into the family history. There are lots of photos that are not labelled. I would love to ask them who they are and what their relationship is to me. Love your mosaic.

  22. I love your old family portraits!!! Have a wonderful week!!!

  23. Oh, how lucky you are to have such great pictures!!!!

    m ^..^

  24. You're so lucky to have photos like these. My great-grandparents, great-aunts and uncles were rarely captured on film and it's such a shame. I find old family photos so fascinating ... so many untold stories.

  25. Hi Dotsie...

    Wow...what a have so many of your family's photos in possesion! Isn't it fun to look back at all of these old photos? I love studying the details...the architecture of the buildings, the dress of the times, etc. Ohh my, your great-grandparent's home was fabulous! Your grandfather must have had a very successful construction business! It's a great thing to be able to scan these old photos and be able to archive them on the computer! We started doing the same thing after receiving so many photos of Russell's family. The sad thing is...we have tons of photos with no names...I just hate that!

    Well dear friend, I do hope that my note is finding you well! I see that you have had some snow down your way! Hope you're staying warm! So glad that you stopped by for a visit Sunday...I always enjoy your sweet notes, Dotsie! Thank you!

    Warmest winter wishes,

  26. Those are wonderful old photos and it is a treasure that you are creating by saving them for your family's future. Lots of work, I'll bet. =)

  27. It is wonderful that you have all of these photos. Scanning is a chore, but a wonderful one in order to save all these wonderful memories!

  28. Wow! These are awesome photos! What a treasure.

  29. Omigosh, how wonderful! You should make a book out of them for all your family to enjoy!

  30. What an interesting collection of photos. Wonderful stuff you have there. Interestingly enough, my father's family hails from Holland. He and his siblings have made quite a big deal of the fact the family name is supposedly as common there as "Jones" is here. I'm not so sure about that though. The name is Aukema. Sound like "Jones" to you? :o)

  31. What wonderful family photos you have .. such treasures! There are hardly any photos of my father's family and just a few of my mothers. Both my grandmothers were widowed very young as my grandfathers were miners in Pennsylvania and both died tragically in the mines. Photographs were a luxury they could not afford. I also often wish I could spend time with them to learn more about who they were. It is so nice you are creating a family history book for your family!


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