Tuesday, January 04, 2011

things that go bump in the day

"Szzzzz ...."  I remember the story our friends told. They were living in Kenya and one night they woke to the sound of "szzz." They were sure it was one of those big snakes ... but the room was dark. There was great suspense mingled with some fear as they grabbed a stick, or maybe it was a flashlight, and began their search. They had us on the edge of our seats listening to the tale. Eventually they found their snake --- it was a spray can gone awry.

I thought of this story yesterday when I heard a new rattle in the car as I headed out to do some errands. It sounded very tinny--as if a small piece of metal had come loose. At the first stop I got out and checked the hubcap on the side where I heard the noise, and then looked in the trunk and back seat. All was well. It seemed even worse when I started to drive again. I called the Gardener, "Have you heard any new sounds in the car?" as I described the noise to him. (Of course he hadn't -- in our house I am always the one to hear the noise first). I slowed down, braked, started, braked. The sound seemed even more intense and closeby. WHAT was falling apart? I turned towards the passenger side of the car where the rattling seemed loudest.

What  to my wondering eyes did appear but a metal serving piece I was delivering to a friend, sitting on the passenger seat right beside me. I laughed aloud at my "dit-zi-ness" and just had to call the Gardener to tell him my foolishness. He sighed.

Photo: the culprit doing what it was meant to do.


  1. I am always the first to feel or hear something different with my car that hubby just doesn't sense like I do. Of course, I had a moment too, when I could hear a knocking -- turns out it was my 15 year old tapping his foot against something that made an unusual sound. He's always drumming and knocking on anything in his path these days so guess I should get used to the sound. Happy day to you! Tammy

  2. Funny. That reminds me of the lady who went to the mechanic after hearing a noise in her car's rear end. He checked the car, finally opened the trunk, and there was a bowling ball rolling around.

  3. I've had the same "problem". Mine turned out to be a cantaloupe rolling around in the trunk. It had fallen out of a grocery bag and been ignored. Whew!

    Pass a biscuit please!


  4. Ha! Too funny...and sounds like something that would happen to me :)

  5. I'm laughing too. I'm always asking "what's that noise?" and the musician is always saying "what noise? You're imaginining it!"

  6. Is it a gender thing? I'm always the one in my house to hear the car noises too.

  7. Those are gorgeous headliner photos!
    Emma got Photo Shop for Christmas so she is having fun!

  8. Too cute! Fortunate for you it was a serving piece. .. mine was the need of a new water pump! NO ONE could hear it but me. The mechanic had to use that electronic equipment to find it. Keep the suspense coming!

  9. Easy for me to laugh!
    Reminds me of the woman who had been to the grocery and heard a loud pop in the back seat.
    She felt the back of her head and felt her brains coming out so thought she'd been shot in the head. Got to the ER and upon examination, they found biscuit dough on her head. In the hot car, a can had exploded.
    Best to you.

  10. LOL! Sounds like something I would be guilty of; glad it was a serving piece instead of a car problem! I love your new header photos AND those biscuits looks devine! So tender and fluffy... you'd think I would have had enough food over the holidays that those wouldn't even have made me drool... but, you would have been wrong. ;)

  11. LOL! this is funny but has happened to me many times but in different way. Your biscuits looks delicious. Happy New Year.

  12. So funny! A little like searching for one's glasses only to find them atop the head ... not that I ever do that. Nah, not me.

    Your site is lovely and your writing is beautifully engaging. I shall return again and again. So glad to "meet" you!

  13. Oh yea, I know about things like that. Thank goodness I (and you) are not alone!

  14. My husband never believes me when the car makes noises. Lol I have had similar things a rattling and driving me crazy.


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