Saturday, January 22, 2011

neighbor bread

I came home pretty tired from a busy day at work. Winter weather is on the horizon, so babies have decided to be born. They were wheeled in the door of the nursery almost non stop. So I was wearily thinking about what to make for supper. We had some left overs. Should I develop them into a major meal (sigh), or turn them into a big pot of soup? "If only I had some good bread to go with it, soup would be the ticket," I said to the Gardener. Went on up to my little office to check email. I figured somehow by the time I finished up, I would know what to do about supper. Just as I turned off the computer, the doorbell rang. It was Danielle [formerly] from across the street, armed with a loaf of cool rise French bread , JUST out of the oven (and some brownies on the side!) She had been baking!

The aroma of warm bread filled the house as I pulled out a pot and began the soup. Hmmm ... just right for a cold night with a storm in the air. Thank you, Lord, and thank you, good neighbor!

First published three years ago this week. See Chari's Happy to Design for more Sunday re-runs.


  1. What a sweet post! Neighbor bread is the BEST! My best friend and neighbor down the street just brought me some yesterday :)

  2. I love good neighbors :) What a nice surprise for you after a hard day at work!

  3. That story just lifts MY spirits from miles and three years away! What a wonderful neighbor. I have an old AORN poster framed that states, "The service of God is the service of man." I belived that while I was working... and I believe it in the tender mercies of "woman's work" offerings. The ones that serve and lift the spirit. Loved this story, Dotsie!

  4. God always knows what we need and so do many neighbors. What a treat to open the door to!


  5. That story warms my heart. It always amazes me how God gives us the desires of our hearts, no matter how small.

  6. I thought Danielle had come back for a visit with warm bread in her hands!
    Then I looked again.

  7. Podso,
    Once again, dear friend, you have warmed my heart. I, too, just arrived home from a very busy day in retail sales conteplating the evening's menu. Like you, we have a wonderful neighborhood. Many times we've thought of moving to a newer home in our area, but as we turn the corner, we realize. . .you can purchase a new home, but a neighborhood is something money can't buy! Thank you for your gentle reminders! Fondly,
    P.S. You might want to check out my Heart of the Home post for more about our neighborhood On Crooked Creek.

  8. Fresh, warm bread sounds so nice! What great neighbors you have.

  9. This post made me feel so warm inside...I love a pot of everything!!


  10. Hi Dotsie...

    Ohhh...what a sweet post, my friend! God is sooo good to us! What a blessing...that your sweet neighbor baked you a loaf of scrumtious looking bread...with brownies to boot!!! The Lord did say that He would give us the desires of our hearts! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story with us for the Sunday Favorites respost party this week!

    I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend, dear friend...and that you are staying warm!

    Love ya,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  11. Love this form of neighborliness - - - only since I rarely bake, I've been SHOVELING snow for my neighbor - - - hope that's ALMOST as good as hot fresh from the oven bread.

  12. I would LOVE to be able to pop over with some warm bread again! The joy was mine.

  13. That photo. I would like to eat the bread right off the computer screen. Mmm. Carbs.


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