Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tale of a Whale of a Sale

Youngest son says I'm the most sentimental person he knows. That may be the reason I keep this little cigar box year after year. We used it for the money box with our very first garage sale, and have continued with every garage sale since. I found it again for our garage sale this past weekend so we could continue that tradition.

This may be the best garage sale for us yet. It seemed fairly painless. I began purging, pricing and packing into boxes quite awhile ago, so it wasn't all there to do at the last minute. Two other good friends joined with me (and we had so much fun). We each grabbed a part of it, our spouses helped set up and take down, and we had fun "staging" our wares. The Gardener stayed with us the entire morning--he's so good at math "in his head" and helped to keep it all straight when we had "surges" of customers. And he likes to visit anyway.

But without a doubt, the most fun of a such a sale is the people that come by. It gives me such a charge to watch my junk become someone else's treasure. And when that person tells you why he or she is buying it, it's even sweeter. For the briefest of time, a small community forms on our driveway. We tell snippets about ourselves, and we laugh. I admire twins stopping by in their stroller during a run with their mom, or we pet dogs with their owners who come by on a morning stroll. A little non-English-speaking boy bought a small toy car, saw my little American flag perched near it and asked if he could have that. He went away waving it in the air.

An old woman rolled up the driveway on her motorized handicapped scooter, dog perched at her feet and a multi colored umbrella protecting her from the intense sun. She stopped to give her pup a drink and visit with us after looking around. Her coins were precisely rolled up in wrappers. She can go 20 miles on her cart before she has to recharge the battery.

Towards the end a beautiful mid-age woman came and looked around. She bought some Christmas-colored napkins and spoke of how, even with a messy-eater old dad and two sons, she loves to set a beautiful table at Christmas. She bought $2.50-worth and reached into her purse to bring out three dollars. "Here's your change," we chorused. She shook her head no, and headed down the driveway. "I don't want change," she said, "you keep it." She turned back to look at us as I called out, "Obviously you've seen the movie Pay it Forward."

"Oh yes," she replied with a huge smile.  "I am blessed, and have no doubt I will be again."

Connecting to Little Red House ...please visit there for more Monday Mosaics.


  1. Sweet. So sweet, and with friends and husbands to help out. Love this for you. :) And the added joy of some cash at the end of the day. Bet each of you had different colored pricetags, didn't you? :)

  2. Sweet was the first word that came to my mind too. I wish that I were as organized as you. I might do a yard sale. I find I just take stuff to Goodwill or other places...less stressful for me.

  3. Wonderful post.

    We just had a garage sale not long ago. It was a lot of work, but we enjoyed. We brought up two old rocking chairs and a fan to make life easier during the sale. If we have another warm weather sale we'll bring the chairs and fan up again.

    We saw people, at ours, we had not seen in a long time. That was fun.

    Great mosaics!

  4. I just love yard sales...having them....going to much fun!

  5. What a great way to clean your closets!

  6. Glad you had a great G.S. experience. The people who come really are the best treat!

  7. What fun! I would have visited!!! Sounds like a great day!

  8. I am glad you had a great day with your yard sale. It is always nice to meet new people and clean house.

  9. That story was so sweet! Makes me want to have a garage sale!

  10. Love your garage sale experience Podso. These events bring out all types of characters and it really is fun talking to everyone.

  11. love visiting garage sales.. coz you got to meet some interesting happy people and very generous at heart too!..

  12. Garage sales are the best. Love your stories from yours :-) I have yet to have to opportunity to stop at any yet this year but hope to soon. Our neighborhood has a big one later in the summer and I always make my rounds.

  13. Great post! You tell the story well.

    Have a wonderful week!


  14. I giggled when I saw your tables because there were a couple of items there that I could see a tablescape blogger bragging about their great find on their blog. Did that make sense?

  15. You make having a garage sale sound fun. I had one a gazillion years ago. Now I give stuff to good will. We don't want cars driving all over our grass to park so we can't have one here. We are on a very busy street.

  16. Garage sales bring out the most interesting people! I've only been to one but purchased one of the best birthday presents for a three-year old girl ever. Three frilly tutus in just her size That was twenty-five years ago!!


  17. what a wonderful story you make from your garage sale...capturing all the little stories within the day's events. My eye was immediately drawn to that blue and white plate! I would have stopped to acquire it if I was your neighbor...

  18. What a great customer you had there! I always enjoy talking to people when I make the rounds to yard sales. You hear the most interesting things! LOL And sometimes, you can learn a most valuable lesson too...
    :-) Sue

  19. You described it perfectly - that camaraderie that develops when neighbours put their old stuff on the driveway and set up shop. Isn't it fun?

  20. What a sweet story.
    I'm glad you like my blog change. I get antsy and bored easily I guess. I've moved 30 times so am always wanting to move things around and it spills over to the blog. I hope it doesn't scare people away.

  21. I love the pay-it-forward experience!! I had to laugh while reading your post about how our arms are sore after our grandbabies go home. So true! I see your precious "little One" on your sidebar... she is precious. Did you do the drawings? They are beautiful. Thanks so much for coming by! Ciao!


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