Tuesday, June 22, 2010

she turned and saw blue

My sister recounted a funny story. She was out with a group of girlfriends for the evening and they were driving home through the countryside rather late at night. Suddenly there was a strange sound under the car. Flat tire. As soon as they had figured it out, my sister, who must have been in the front seat, turned around to say something, and noticed the whole back of the van was a blue glow in contrast to the dark night. Every last woman had her cell open and was phoning home. Now is the time to say, "It's a whole new day isn't it? We are so in touch."

 My sister said, "This would make a good blog post." Have you noticed your friends or family saying similar things? I hear: "Oh no, I feel a blog coming ..."  or "You should blog this..."  or  "I'll look for this on your blog ..." or "Don't your dare blog this!"

The only thing the image above has to do with the story is that it is ... blue.


  1. My how times have changed. My family thinks I am crazy for all the picture taking I do for blogging purposes. :)

    Love your porch. Especially that painted yellow chair. So nice that you have a protected area that still allows you to feel like you are outdoors.

    Your watermelon story was cute too. My husband is the melon purchaser around here. My youngest son can eat a whole one by himself.

    Hope you are having a great day! Tammy

  2. I love the "dare to be different" colors people are putting on their houses! I'm still an "emergency" cell phone user myself. Unless I'm meeting someone, I never turn mine on. They are a comfort to have in the purse. I read a book recently. It was set in the 1970s. It seemed really odd when a character had to look for a phone booth! They are becoming dinosaurs. Whatever will Superman do?


  3. We still have a phone connected to the wall in a little kitchen nook. Actually a push-button wall phone we purchased in Texas, had for five years in Charleston and we've been here almost twenty years. I'm sure they don't make them like that any more!


  4. My husband is always telling me, "Don't blog about this!"

    And isn't it odd that when you call someone on their cell phone, you have to ask where they are? Imagine that years ago on a home phone!


  5. Ha this is so very very true....my life has turned into a blog...everything I do, my friends ask are you going to blog that? Of course I pretty much do:) The heat is insane....I can't even believe it....hard to go out actually!!~

  6. What a funny story!!!! I wonder what the back of your car looked like to passers by!
    Can't live with them... but certainly can't live without them!

  7. Life is a blog! We went to a friend's house for brunch and he was a nervous wreck because he thought I would blog it! I didn't and I won't. I see everything now in a frame and a future picture.

    Great post. Love your porch. Thanks for the link.


  8. I still wonder at this form of writing and how it strikes you.
    It is concise and better with photos and it has been made into a movie!
    Julie...and that cook!

  9. LOL! All the time! MY husband even comes home and says "I found soemthing for you to blog about!"

    I'm a nurse too, Podso, but retired now.


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