Monday, November 09, 2009


Yes, a perfect fall weekend to visit Little One and her parents. The weather was cool, crisp and the leaves still beautiful. Perfect too, for a bike ride.

We hadn't put our bikes on the back of the car in many years, and we were relieved when we and the bikes arrived safely after a two and 1/2 hour car ride.

During a break, Little One decided to set off on a walk. We went to get her, but wondered how much farther Miss Independence might have gone before she realized she had left us behind.

After her big hike, and the long bike ride, she was all tuckered out.


  1. I'm glad you had a good time. It was a perfect weekend to be out for a bike ride!

  2. How fun! The little one is so so so very cute!

  3. It looks like you found the perfect day...and the right company...for a bike ride!

    We took our little granddaughter for a walk on a river trail yesterday...we walked and she rode in a stroller.

  4. Bet you were tuckered out as well. :) Glad you had a good time, and got back home safely.

    You are dear to me, just wanted you to know.

  5. That would be so much fun.We always talk about going for a bike ride but never do.
    Thanks again for your help last year with my pics- I am trying to make them a little bigger but havn't been able to yet.Hopefully one of my boys can help me soon.
    Take care,


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