Thursday, November 19, 2009

chalking it up

I've got this jar of chalkboard paint sitting around from a couple of projects I did, so I wondered how the paint would work on a plate. I read it needed a porous surface. Not sure pottery is porous but I found a cheap plate I had been planning to paint and decided to paint it, but with chalkboard paint rather than my original plan. So far so good.

I put it in the kitchen just to assure those that may wonder if a meal is coming. Sometimes it gets close to dinner hour and the kitchen is still lifeless. Eventually a meal appears in some fashion or another.

I love the cutting board the plate holder is resting on. My dad made it for my mother when they were newly married 66 years ago. I think the rim was painted orange originally. My mom used it most of her cooking years and I took it over about 15 years ago. I love it because it speaks to me ... all the crevices and scratches and the worn look of it. The stories that are hidden in that board. Just think of the conversations that have occurred as women folk (mostly) prepared meals. If this ol' cutting board could talk ... the stories she'd tell.

For more "Show and Tell" type stories. visit Cindy's blog at My Romantic Home.


  1. What a great idea! I like your little plate chalkboard. I also think it is wonderful you have your mother's cutting much history, and stories, as you say. Amazing.

  2. Stories hidden in that board!
    OH your new plate.
    And a happy birthday to your mom.
    She looks young.

  3. Two wonderful treasures - the plate is cute and the cutting board is full of such history. Clever and sentimental - a wonderful combination.

  4. Like your chalk board! It is great that you have the cutting board and with memories attached.

  5. Hi Ms.P...

    Well my friend, I love your chalkboard plate...what a great idea! I have been wanting to try something like this as well! I've never worked with the chalkboard paint before but the possibilities seem endless! your cutting board too...what a family treasure! Ohhh yes, I bet it could tell a tale or two! Hehe!

    Have a fabulous Friday!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  6. what a lovely story! thanks for sharing

  7. What wonderful memories and such a warm, loving, and filled with charm show n tell. Oh, and by the way....I LOVE! your blog's background.

    Mine is up. Just Dollar Store Finds for the Holidays this week. Click Here

  8. The chalkboard is terrific. I've never used the paint, is it easy?

    And the cutting board is so great. To know that your Mum made many a meal on it is awesome!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Oh what a great idea. And it looks so welcoming too. You are very creative; I never would've thought of doing this. And, your story about the cutting board is warming ...

    Thank You for sharing and for the inspiration.

    Have a GRAND weekend.


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