Friday, August 16, 2013

don't open the oven door

London Broil made so easy:

Marinate defrosted london broil beef for about 24 hours. Preheat oven to 450 degrees (yes, that's right, 450.)  When oven is fully heated, place london broil on a rack in a pan in the oven. Set the timer for exactly 5 minutes per pound of meat, --yes down to the decimal. In other words, for "1.9 pounds" set the timer for 9 minutes. Don't go far from the kitchen, you may not hear the timer. As soon as the timer rings, turn off the oven. Now here comes the important part: DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR.  (You may need to place a note by the oven so no one walks into the kitchen, smells the delicious scent, and goes to see "what's in the oven!") Between 1 3/4 -2 hours later, (better to be earlier than later) take meat out, slice and enjoy. Note: the minutes of oven "on" time is key for a perfect london broil.


  1. Sounds intriguing...may have to try this tonight. Thanks for sharing the technique!

  2. I WAS just telling Amanda yesterday that I am in desperate need of some new inspiration...definitely going to be trying this one! :)

  3. Oooh, I can't wait to try this, Dotsie!! What marinade do you use?? Enquiring minds need to know... and piqued appetites! blessings ~ tanna

  4. Oh my husband might could pull this off. He has been trying to cook lately. Don't open the door, too funny.

  5. Interesting technique, something for winter because DH barbecues everything in the nice weather.

  6. Why, I never!

    Definitely must try this!

    Thank you!!

  7. Ooooo...thank you for this! I am definitely going to try it!
    Why am I suddenly hungry? ;)

  8. I love London Broil, and rarely make it. I think I shall pick on up!
    xo Kris

  9. I love London Broil. I used to make it by using the actual broiler which is very messy and hot. This way sounds much easier. Would this make you end up with medium? medium rare? well done?

  10. Sounds like a great way to cook London Broil. Does the center remain pink? I use the broiler but would like to try this.

  11. This is making me drool. I don't know if I could resist the urge to open that door.

  12. Podso,
    Sounds divinely delicious!!!
    Someone would open the oven door here on the Prairie. . .
    he doesn't remember to turn on the oven light!!!

  13. This sounds interesting - and easy!

  14. This sounds so interesting! I hardly ever cook steak in my oven and it either comes out raw or over done when i do so I will try this!

    Glad you had such a nice day with your little grand (prior post) before school began. The wreath came out so pretty!


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