Friday, May 11, 2012


On this Mother's Day weekend I'm thinking of all the women who have gone before me and influenced my life.  
And those that are yet to come. On both my mother's side and my father's side, 
I'm grateful for godly women who have taught me much through their lives. 
They (aunts, great-aunts, grandmothers and mother) were well educated and involved in many things,
but for the most part chose to work at home while they raised their babies.
And they ran their homes with great skill. 
(Photo above, my grandmother's kitchen; my mother on left.)
They all were excellent cooks. Except maybe my great-aunt, 
above on the lower left. She worked in an office and took care of her mother in later years. 
I don't think I ever had a meal she made! But what a great influence she had on me. 
Now I'm enjoying her tiny diaries that tell small details of her daily life. 
My dear mom, above, blossoms at ninety! How grateful I am to have been (and still am) 
mothered by her. To me she is perfect. No harsh words, no complaining, even when life 
brought her less than desirable circumstances. Mom loved my dad deeply and has accepted 
widowhood with great grace. I am still learning from her! I feel so privileged to still be able 
to call her every day, to hear her ever-cheerful voice, and to visit her often during the week.
 I am blessed.  
Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Beautiful post full of photos of precious mother's in your family!

  2. Wonderful. Happy Mothers Day to you!

  3. Beautiful post sweet Podso, I loved looking at your wonderful photos of the great women in your family. We are so blessed to still call our mothers and see them often. I too have many lovely memories from my grandmothers, specially mother's mother. My mom is an only girl, so no aunts, but loved my 3 uncles too.
    I have a couple of aunts from dad's side who live in the USA since the late 40's, one died a few years ago and I love them very much. Have a great MOTHER'S DAY along with your sweet lady.

  4. Beautiful post sweet Podso, I loved looking at your wonderful photos of the great women in your family. We are so blessed to still call our mothers and see them often. I too have many lovely memories from my grandmothers, specially mother's mother. My mom is an only girl, so no aunts, but loved my 3 uncles too.
    I have a couple of aunts from dad's side who live in the USA since the late 40's, one died a few years ago and I love them very much. Have a great MOTHER'S DAY along with your sweet lady.

  5. Dostie, this is such a beautiful post... such wonderful women who influenced your life. You are blessed indees. And, your Mom... she is a jewel... so is her daughter. Happy Mother's day to you both! blessings ~ tanna

  6. Your photos, and the women in them, are true treasures! I, like you, are so enriched by the women who came before me. I hope that my children can add me to that list in their future.

    Happy Mother's day to you and your mother.


  7. Such sweetness here. How wonderful these photos and your grandmother's lovely kitchen with all the ladies and babies. What a joy to have your mother who is a beautiful 90. I love the expression of the baby (you?) looking at her mother with great interest. Now there is an intelligent child!

  8. As I've told you many times, I so love reading about your family. Your mother is indeed a treasure. I know you are so glad to have her nearby.

  9. What beautiful old photos of the women in your life. It seems that you were blessed with excellent role models. Aren't we both so lucky to have our mothers with us?

  10. Beautiful women, how wonderful that you were blessed to have so many wonderful women in your life.
    What a blessing to have your mom still, she is lovely!
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. Hello Dotsie
    A warm tribute to the women in your life as you grew up. There's something to be said for a close family, how I wish that I could look back on some good times with the women from our family.
    At least I have a relationship with my daughters and hopefully we'll leave some good memories for theirs.
    Your mother does not look 90, she has aged gracefully.

  12. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Yes, how very blessed we are for all these women. Your first photograph reminds me so very much of the family get-togethers when I was little. :)

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Mother's Day, dear Dotsie!!!

  13. Dotsie, you are indeed blessed! You sure look like your Mum too. I love the old photos especially the first one in the kitchen. How wonderful to have so many influential women in your life. I hope you have a blessed Mother's Day!

  14. OH my ~~ what a dear blog.
    What a heritage and legacy left to you. Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom!

  15. What a wonderful family you have and this is a beautiful post...I''m glad I came by. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  16. What a great post and I loved the photos!

  17. What a lovely tribute you have here! I too spend time this Mother's Day thinking back on the women in my life, and watching my daughter with her family and all that she has ahead of her. We are blessed <3

  18. A lovely tribute to your Mom and family. I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!

  19. Wonderful Mother's Day post. I loved seeing all the photos and hearing the story.

  20. It's plain to see that your family has been a great blessing to you in so many I am sure you are to them as well. I enjoyed the vintage, home decor, etc. Fun to travel back in time now and then.


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