Saturday, December 18, 2010

about the Manger

From my sister's Christmas letter: "Each Christmas as we struggle to preserve a sense of worship and gratitude amidst all the busyness which accompany this time of year, it seems as though there is some point [when] God breaks through and moves me with a song or verse, or maybe a word from a friend, and I am blessed. This year it was the last line of one of the songs in our choir cantata, sung as a solo by a sweet and clear soprano voice: 'The manger held it all.' So simple and so profound.

"Everything we need in this life and the next was held in that Bethlehem manger 2000 years ago. Our hopes, desires, dreams, and above all our need for forgiveness and fellowship with God, are all gathered up and met in Christ Jesus. One of [our] father's favorite Christmas carols, 'O Little Town of Bethlehem' says, 'The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight.'"

This is the second time I've reposted these thoughts from three years ago. Please see Chari's Happy to Design for more Sunday reposts.


  1. Yes, indeed! Our Oliver became very curious about the manger set up and kept sniffing (or, maybe giving kisses to) the baby Jesus so we had to put it in a different place this year!!


  2. So true! Thankful for what the manger represents.
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Agreed completely. Praise the Lord! Thank you, Sweet Jesus. Merry Christmas! Cherry Kay

  4. Very beautiful...perfect to read and think about on this Sunday morning! ♥

  5. Hello Dotsie... beautifully and perfectly said, sweet friend! This Christmas I am sooo thankful for the birth of our blessed Savior and the love, hope, and joy that HE has given us!!!

    Thank you for sharing this perfectly sweet Christmas post with us today for Sunday Favorites! Sending you and your sweet family many wishes for a blessed and Merry Christmas!

    Love ya sweet friend,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  6. Such a beautiful and true sentiment... perfect for today... thank you, Dotsie. I wish you and yours a very blessed and merry Christmas.

    I love the punch cups and tray... being a visual person myself, that was a very nice gift. Thank you.

  7. such words of hope and grace...
    Those cups are arranged perfectly!
    Merry Christmas!


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