Wednesday, October 07, 2009

No Calamities

"Some have been puzzled because good things earnestly prayed for have not been [granted]. What is happening is quite a different kind of answer. We do not feel like calling it wonderful. We feel like calling it disappointing. And yet we know that it would not have been allowed to happen if it had been what it looks like, simply a calamity. 'I know the plans which I'm planning for you, plans of welfare and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope.' These words are true, however things appear; and faith lays hold upon them, and refuses to be discouraged. The thoughts of our God are thoughts of peace and not of evil. So even now, let us trust and not be afraid."

from Amy Carmichael in Thou Givest ... They Gather


  1. Lydia grace4:54 PM

    I love Amy Carmichael...I think I have that book...I shall find it and give it a read...Thanks for the quote and always..delightful..

  2. Ahh....Amy C!
    Amen to her words.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Coming back over to tell you that I did have my baby at LKN. I'm guessing you work at CMC. I didn't even notice you were in/near the QC. I'm guessing you work at CMC. I'm really impressed that you are a L&D nurse, and still have time to do a blog. I can't seem to get back to it, and I'm a SAHM. It's nice to "meet" you.


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