Wednesday, October 14, 2009

wanna buy a goat?

H-v and A-ds breaks up families, destroys communities, and takes away hope. I was interested to learn recently about how goats and H-v are related.  A colleague from Zim-bwe, a country located in southern Africa (where one-third of the population is H-v positive), works with people who have the disease. When new mothers die or are very sick from the disease, milk from goats is used to feed their babies. Some researchers have concluded that goats' milk is similar to mothers' milk. How interesting to know that buying a goat ($10 for a baby goat, and $20-30 for a nursing mother goat) is one way to save lives and to give hope.


  1. I've enjoyed my visit and *trying* to get caught up! I especially like the post and quote from amy very true!
    Thanks for coming by to encourage me...things are better...a good talk, a sincere apology always make things better!
    Have a great day!

  2. Very educational...I had no idea

  3. I like knowing that.

  4. An excellent idea for the gift-giving season that is coming up. A measley $20-30 for a nursing mother goat can make such a huge difference in some childrens' lives; and we here in the West have so, so much but think we always need that next new thing. The dichotomy of it all sometimes stuns me....and other times I get caught up in the consumer religion too. So thank you for this reminder of what really matters in life.


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