Saturday, September 27, 2008

here comes the bride

I never thought I would enjoy being a wedding "coordinator" or "director" (well, honestly, maybe I thought I might a little bit, as I like organizing), but when my dear friend, the mother of the bride, said she knew I was the one for the job, what could I say? And the bride I've known since she was in her mama's womb. I used to take her out for "coffee" when I could barely see her face across the table above her mug of hot chocolate. 
So actually, it is an honor to serve her this way, and she and her groom  have a great group of friends who are wonderful to work with.  

This morning is a few hours of quiet. The busy rehearsal day is over--bridal brunch, rehearsal, and festive rehearsal dinner; and now I am anticipating a lovely wedding in a few hours. Once I get them all down the aisle I'll breathe a big sigh of relief.  The flower girls are just loving dropping the white rose petals (and picking them up again after practicing), and at the end of the ceremony, they get to reach up and each grab a hand of the tallest usher, Zach, and walk back up the aisle with him. How fun is that!

Photo: Bride dancing with her cousin flower girls.


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Hope it all goes smoothly. Btw, the photo is so pretty. Sort of wish I'd had things in a similar fashion when we got married. Ours was very simple. The additional fancy parts are appealing, but I wasn't a fancy girl, so guess what I did was best!

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I look forward to hearing your account of today..You have answered my email question of "Whose wedding?". I know you blessed the whole wedding with your caring and love..

  3. They were dancing in the garage while it was raining and others were arranging flowers!

  4. Oh I didn't realize she got married this past Saturday! Hope it was absolutely beautiful!=)=)


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