Friday, May 23, 2014

Water's Scent

 Reading Elizabeth's Goudge's The Scent of Water, slowed 
me down and made my mind go back 
to the cool scent of water from a well, a stream, a garden hose, a rainstorm. . .  
It took me to my childhood on several levels, among them, the outdoors I played in 
where I explored at my leisure, and took the 
time . . . to sense the "scent of water." 
As adults I don't think we experience it all quite like when we were children.
E. Goudge is a master of description; her books are treasures. 
You hop right into the story. If you haven't tried one, I would 
recommend it. This story is about an older woman who shifts to a totally 
new home and gets to know the aunt who willed her the home,
 through reading her journals. 
There are many wonderful characters to meet.
We gathered at the home of fellow blogger, Rhondi. She and I met years 
back through blogging. Somehow we discovered that we lived just 
a couple of miles apart, and she invited me over for tea. I remember 
the feeling when I entered her house, that I had been there before. 
Rhondi's blog is fun and filled with her creativity, as is her home! 
I always learn a few new ideas when I'm there, or when I read her blog.
What a nice gathering we had around Rhondi's lovely table. This time our 
friend in Germany led our discussion via Skype and it went amazingly well.
"The scent of water, of the rain and of the dew. It was difficult to separate 
it from the grateful fragrance of the life it renewed, but it had its scent: 
the faint exhalation of its goodness . . ."


  1. Dotsie...that book sounds like a really great read...something I think I would really enjoy. We had really good water growing up in my house...must have had a good never went dry with 8 kids in the family! Some friends and relatives of ours used to come a fill their jugs up with our always we so cold and such a fresh smell. Your little gathering sure looks like it was so much fun. The only blogger I know (so far) who lives anywhere near me is Richella from Imparting Grace...about 30 minutes away :) Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  2. Oh how I enjoyed that book...I had to order them trough my library interloan program as I only own Pilgrim's Inn. It might be time to reread.

  3. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I adore Elizabeth Goudge's novels and highly recommend them to everyone. I read "The Scent of Water" every time I start to write a new novel myself because Ms. Goudge's writing inspires me to elevate my diction and slow down and enjoy describing the garden, etc. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy tea with you and yours friends. Peace be with you, Kay Moser

  4. A gathering of friends focused on books and tea and fellowship must be one of the best of gatherings! Looks like a lovely time there at the home of your friend Rhondi. I love the fact that your leader guided the discussion via Skype!

    (Dare I admit that I have never read Goudge? I must change that!)

  5. I like Elizabeth Goudge, but haven't read this book. I'm going to get it from the library tomorrow, for certain. I love a good blogger book recommendation!

  6. I've read some Elizabeth Goudge but not the Scent of Water. What an evocative title. I'll be right behind Pondside in ordering it from the library.
    A very pretty tea table setting by Rhonda.

  7. I will have to look that one up. I need a new book to read.

    I LOVE a friend invited you for tea and served it with her pretty china. We just aren't doing that enough and it is SUCH a special treat to be invited to tea, isn't it?

    Hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.

  8. I am not familiar with the author so I will have to check her out.

    Your day of tea with your friend sounds lovely. I am wanting to throw a tea party.

  9. Dotsie, I am not familiar with this author but I read my Interlibrary Loan's description and ordered it. It sounds like it's the kind of story I love--set in England! :-) I think it's wonderful that you were able to connect locally with a fellow Blogger. I wish I could invite all my readers over for tea. The Skype is a wonderful idea! I wonder if you can "conference Skype"?? Then I could have everyone over for tea in the garden! :-)

  10. Okay, Dotsie, you and the other commenters have sold me on this book! I've not read her at all. Probably because she's not next to Sproul or Wright on the book shelves. :-) I also love that title! Thanks.

  11. One of y favourites of Elizabeth Goudge's books. My mother started me on them when I was a teen, and I have most of the collection now.

  12. This sounds like a wonderful book. I like that you get together to discuss the books you read in your book club over tea and via Skype. Rhondi's home looks lovely and I'm going to visit her blog now. Have a wonderful Holiday weekend!

  13. Love this post, Dotsie! I'm always on the lookout for a good new read, and I'll definitely check this one out. What a lovely room and a beautiful table your friend Rhondi has set -- a perfect venue for a book club discussion. :)

    Thanks for sharing the book with us; have a wonderful weekend.



  14. Bliss! Love the new cover on that version of EG's book, which is one of my favorites.

  15. I always like recommendations from my blogging friends and I'll be sure to add this one to my list.
    It is so neat that you gather with someone from another country for your book club, the discussions must be fun.
    Have a nice Memorial Day.

  16. Podso,
    Great rmemories flood over me of water of my childhood. . .many spent playing in the rain clad in yellow raincoat slicker complete with hood and rainboots and those of the blow ~ up wading pool filled with water in the backyard!
    Gorgeous tablescape!
    Thanks for sharing!


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