Thursday, October 16, 2014

a tweak here and there

My sister and I have an "unwritten rule" when we visit each other's house. It's the "change around" rule--or better said, "invitation." An invite to move things around (probably not the furniture, that might require permission and help.) But anything else we see in each other's house that we think may need a little tweaking, we have permission to do just that.

The game is if it is noticed. (And it always is, we're such women of detail.) Sometimes there's a discussion, but often things are just left changed. This time she brought out a wedding gift vase which had probably always been in storage as it doesn't really fit with her decor.

But the color! So I found a spot for it. It's a smidge too tall for under the painting, but, I do love it's pop of color.

A little work on the book case, turning our grandmother's old novels on an angle and moving some photos, adding the fat green bird up top.

Now here's the deal: Now that I'm gone, are things now moved back to where they were?

I probably will never know, for next time I visit most likely I will have forgotten all about it!

This sweet dollie never got moved until I needed the chair
 (our grandfather's) for a few minutes. She kindly switched to the bed.
And this gorgeous big doll is always sitting here when 
we visit this favorite antique shop. 
She does change her outfit, but it's usually pink.
One last thing about my creative sister's house.
I've always been fascinated by her laminated (clear packing tape)
reminder signs that she keeps handy in a kitchen drawer.
She has embellished them with some of her stamps
and they truly are lovely to see sitting on the counter.


  1. I wish I had a sister! How fun that you do this with yours.


  2. What a fun game!! And I am taking notes on your sister's lovely chore cards...hmmmm...

  3. What a fun tradition!! By the way, I always enlarge book pics so I can read the spines. I have that Now We Are Six book too. :-)

  4. Turning old novels on an angle!!! I love that idea!!!!

    "Here there be musing" blog
    "Here there be more words" blog

  5. Perhaps you won't remember your tweaking, of this visit...


    You have a photographic record of it now!

    If you have a distinguishing label on this post, you can check back. LOL...

    "Here there be musing" blog
    "Here there be more words" blog

  6. I wish I had a sister!!! How lovely to be so close to be able to do that!!!
    I do however, have brother who always moves things when heis here. He turns photos askew, he adds embellishments to things, and leaves his calling card in every room. Sometimes it takes me weeks to find his little "gifts" and I always smile when I do.
    XO Kris

  7. Goodness I can't believe that there are other sisters out there who play the same game my sisters and I do!! lol There is just something about a sister walking into your house and saying, "have you ever thought of putting this here, or here?" and then moving it. I LOVE it! And goodness when one of us moves a room around, gets new furniture, or actually moves, we are all giddy to arrive and begin our decorating fun. I have 3 sisters and every one of us LOVES this game. Glad to see we are not alone. Enjoy your day!

  8. Well, that sounds like fun little game to play with your sis! I like the idea of moving the items around on the see if and when the other would notice! All four of my sisters live over 500 miles away :(

  9. Such a clever idea to laminate reminder cards that you use often.....although, if they look like they were a part of the decor I'd probably skip right past them after the first time! I am such a detail person about how I decorate I would probably notice if you moved something 2 inches to the side.

  10. Oh boy, that is something I'd never do in my sisters homes, unless asked. Not even my daughter's home! I do have a friend that often asks for my decorating advice though and I ask for hers. It's fun to do. I would definitely notice if things in my house were moved.

  11. I'd never do this in my sister's home, but I have rearranged furniture with my sister-in-law. Sounds like a fun game. And your sister has wonderful handwriting.

  12. What a fun tradition you and your sister share.

    I used to have a wooden Scrabble tile holder on the window sill with a shell and 26 wooden Scrabble tiles. The challenge was to write messages with just the 26 letters. People got creative! Whenever someone stayed in our house with the dog when we were on vacation, we would come home to a new word/words. I think I need to get those Scrabble tiles out again.

  13. It's good to know I am not the only one who "laminates" little things with clear packing tape! It really does work well.

  14. My sister turned out to be the third brother when I was ten...Ugh! Just kidding,I love them all. But my daughters have each other and they are thick as thieves.

  15. The little reminder notes sure are pretty. And they are a good idea. We have lots of notes for when we get ready to travel, but I've never thought about making them look good. Of course I love her pretty cloth dollie. Hugs!

  16. You and your sister must be enough alike to be able to tweak the decor in each other's home. I make use of sticky notes for my reminders, including one for MM so I put it up by 2 pm. Laminating your notes for reuse sounds like a good idea.

  17. Getting together with a sister is one of the best things ever!

  18. Podso,
    Sounds as if the two of you have a "great" relationship!!!
    My lifelong friend and I do that, too.
    But in our younger years, we've been known to do a total room re~arrange
    artwork included in a single afternoon!!!
    She recently moved to Florida. . .I miss her.


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