Friday, November 18, 2011


I was home for two days trying to get over this virus I've been playing with fighting for over a week. The third morning I grabbed my purse and headed for the door while I fished out my keys. Or tried to. They weren't there. It was a sort of sinking feeling, like they were really, really gone. I quickly looked everywhere they might be, borrowed the Gardener's set of car keys and headed out. All day I had that sick feeling you get when you know something is not right. I earnestly prayed. I was confident that God knew where they were. I called the places I had been the day before I hibernated. One was a picnic area, the ground  c  o  v   e   r   e   d   with leaves. Sinking feeling.

Being a control-type of person, I have a hard time letting go. Then I was afraid I would find them in the freezer (that is a symptom of Alz. you know) Finally I took courage and looked there, the one place I hoped I would not find them. Nope, they weren't there.

The Gardener grew concerned thinking this might be a "serious loss." And we might need to make some new keys. I had a long talk with God. I knew I had to give up my control and give in to the possibility I may not find them. The next day I went grocery shopping, clutching ever so carefully the borrowed set of keys. After I got home I took our turkey to the deep freeze in the outdoor storage room. There they were, not IN the freezer, but ON the freezer. I raised my hand with the keys and sailed into a meeting the Gardener was having with some colleagues in our living room. Such good news to share, and very thankful.  And so happy they were ON the freezer, not IN it! At least I think that's better. :-)

Photo: our first fire in our refurbished fireplace! 


  1. Been there - found the keys in an odd place....isn't it a strange feeling?
    I love the view of your refurbished fire place - so cosy!

  2. Glad you found your keys and I love your fireplace!

  3. That is something I so would do! Happy you found them!

  4. First of all, I am so glad that you are feeling better.
    Oh my, I am always losing my glasses. I know exactly how you feel! I think it is part of being so busy and thinking of too many things at once... at least that is the story I am going with!

  5. Gorgeous and delish fireplace! I'm glad you are feeling better sweet lady. Hugs,

  6. My husband was (I say "was") notorious for carrying only the car key and the house key in his pocket but no key chain. A few years ago, he made a solo trip into Chicago to Whole Foods. Several hours later, I got a call. He had lost the key! I had to stop preparation for a dinner party and drive in with the spare. It was about a three hour round trip. When we were unloading and putting the groceries away, he found the key where he had dropped it between the double-bagged groceries. It happened while he was putting the groceries in the trunk. He now has a key chain with the car key and house key together!

    Glad you found your keys and that you are feeling better!


  7. I am so methodical about keys and such. I would be really upset if I lost them. I am the radar device in my home, when someone loses something I always manage to find it. When I lose that ability, it's all over!!

    Hope you feel better soon.


  8. I hate that feeling of losing something! I'm always doing that. Always find things in the most unexpected place. Thankfully you found them!

  9. Oh sweet thing, sorry for your temporary loss, but happy for the good ending.

    I SO get this. So.

  10. Oh Podso,
    That is something we have all done and I'm so glad you found them.
    I love your pretty fireplace with the fire burning, so lovely.
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. So glad you found your keys ON the freezer!! It is sure frustrating when you can't find something like that. Wish I didn't know what it is like... ;)

    Your refurbished fireplace looks lovely! Enjoy a warm fireside spot and smile about the key incident. blessings ~ tanna

  12. Trust me, I know all about these kind of day. I tend to be having them too often. We just have our mind on too many things and not paying attention.

  13. Hooray...I'm glad, too, that they were not IN the freezer! ;0)

  14. That is a very disheartening feeling for sure! I'm glad you found them 'on' the freezer! Your fireplace looks beautiful and so cozy. Enjoy.

  15. What a relief to have found your keys at last! I too know the feeling of being ill with worry even for a few minutes when that happens.

    I was glad for your comment about Mildred Wirt! How fun to find these books and info about her life. The Univ. of Iowa has archives of her scrapbooks etc. we can have a look at. I've never met anyone else who has read the 'Honey Bunch' books. Its fun to know that about you. If you have a readiing app or device, you can download about 20 of her mysteries for free....the ongoing Penny Parker? series. I did, very Warm wishes for a happy day. Maggie

  16. Ps. Forgot! I wanted to say also that your fireplace is gorgeous! As I looked at it I thought that must surely be a picture out of a magazine. How wonderful that must be to enjoy in person....=)

  17. Hi Podso
    Oh, how I can identify with your feelings - let go? Would have been very hard for me too.
    I'm glad you found the keys. Isn't it funny how we automatically wonder if it's merely a senior's moment or indication of something more serious?
    The fireplace looks nice, I'm sure Santa will think so too.

  18. Whew! That was a relief! Yes, I, too, have done something like that before.

  19. The first place I look when I lose my keys is look in all my sweater and coat pockets! Thankfully I never found them in the freezer as yet ...yes, that would make me wonder! LOL

    Hope you are feeling better!

  20. Just FYI, I gave "thanks for the fleas" all day!! And, while it didn't change some of the circumstances.. It did change my attitude!! ;) Thank you again. Blessings ~ tanna


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