It seems that Little One has taken a fancy to this
project that I worked on last year in loving anticipation of her arrival. She likes to have it nearby for comfort, and hold it as she goes to sleep. It may be called "blankie"--I'm not sure. My kids and their cousins had similar ones I made that they hauled around when they were her age. Theirs were called "bobbies" for some unknown reason.
So, the request has come for a duplicate. You know, in case it gets lost. Or too dirty to get clean enough. I remember that panic feeling if the bobbie or the paci (believe it or not we called that a "buck") was missing. So I'm knitting again ... a pleasure always working with pink, but the icing on this cake is that it is again for Little One!
Buffy's little ones call theirs "Num-nums". Whatever the name, they are a comfort and what a joy that it is the one her grandmother made for her!!Susan