"Ask the world to reveal its quietude--not the silence of machines when they are still, but the true quiet which birdsongs, trees, bellworts, snails, clouds, storms become what they are, and nothing else. "
From Sabbaths 2001, by Wendell Berry
A quote sent to me by my good friend B. After hearing so much about this author, I am finally reading one of his books. But I must say, I'm so used to associating his name with B, that it sort of startles me to see his name on a book in my house. At the outset, it looks like I'll be enjoying a good read.
OK, I'm convinced. Wendell Berry it is. Going to the library tomorrow, and will seek him out.
It will. I read that quote and thought WHAT a good quote! ( !!) Enjoy Hannah Coulter. I know you will.