Tuesday, February 24, 2009

many comments

From my tea calendar: "In the 1940s Ruth Bigelow began pursuing the perfect cup of tea. She found an old colonial recipe using orange peels and spices, and in her New York kitchen she created a tea that generated "constant comments." She named her signature tea, "Constant Comment."  

Who knew that? I'm not sure I ever really wondered before about the name of that tea which is not my favorite, by the way, but the Gardener is drinking it these days.


  1. I'm with the Gardener. I like it too! He'd maybe like Good Earth's Sweet and Spicy, a current favorite of mine.

  2. All things decaf for him.

  3. Hi Podso
    What an interesting fact about that name! Since we both love tea, how about coming over to my house for a cup of tea one day? Email me and we can figure out when would be a good time.

  4. I did *not* know that! Constant Comment is my favorite!


I enjoy the conversations that come with comments!

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