Sunday, February 01, 2009

25 cent deed

"Rent-a-cart" grocery store. You may have one in your town. I've finally figured out how the system works (it takes me awhile), and quarter in hand, I headed to the long line of chained grocery carts. A young mother passed me on the way to returning her cart. Oh, of course, I thought to myself, let me save her the trouble. "Here," I said, thrusting my quarter towards her hand, "Wanna just give me your cart? Unless your daughter loves to do the coin thing..." I didn't want to take away a possible thrill from her little daughter.

"Just take my cart," she spoke softly, smiling into my eyes, "I insist. Happy Birthday or something." Such a small 25 cent thing, but so huge in the way it blessed me and made me smile. After shopping I headed again to the line of carts, thinking I'd be making 25 cents that morning, when I saw an older woman about to begin her shopping. I headed toward her, offering my cart, as she tried to hand me a quarter.

It sort of reminded me of the movie Pay It Forward. On a very small scale. And I was able to do a good deed, though it  cost me nothing. 


  1. I'm not familiar with the cart rental, but the story sure is sweet. :)

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I love doing that at the cart rental store you mentioned..It's only a quarter, but the joy of doing it is priceless..

  3. That is neat. Also, I love your background.


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