Thursday, February 26, 2009

a few random thoughts

The day seems brighter when  you get a w*lmart cart with all four wheels working. And even better when all four head the same direction.  You can make an oppressively long return line more bearable by watching the people around you and making a study of human nature. You can add a smile to your day when you look a sour checker in the eyes and smile, and watch the smile return to you.

I'm going to see my sister, among others, today. When I travel I always make sure to bring a journal along, not only for the experiences or thoughts I want to jot down, but it seems there are always new things to learn when you go somewhere outside your own neighborhood. So I'm tucking in this journal that my sister gave me. She may have a new recipe, her friend may have read a good book, there may be a new craft to note, or ... I just may want to write about ... anything! For a writer, security is having pen and paper always nearby.


  1. I surely hope to see you while you're here.

  2. OH I love that....pen and paper. I view the computer as mail too, but it
    hits me differently. Do you think it gets to the soul like a letter does?
    Enjoy stepping into Summer as my brother said of his trip two weeks ago to near where you are. Enjoy.
    And I do the same. I know exactly where Barb's scone recipe is in which journal!


  3. I do enjoy your random thoughts...and maybe your visit be a good one. :)

  4. Enjoy your time with your sister and I hope you have lots to journal about!
    Take care,


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