Thursday, February 19, 2009

taking tea together

When I woke up to rain yesterday I thought, "Perfect day for a cozy tea party!" Later in the day, while rain sprinkled down from the sky,  our Bible study group from last year gathered around the table to sip tea, eat goodies, catch up, and celebrate the good success of Boniface's surgery. 
"Somehow, taking tea together encourages an atmosphere of intimacy when you slip off the timepiece in your mind and cast your fate to a delight of tasty tea, tiny foods, and thoughtful conversation." (Gail Greco)


  1. Oh I love it! And the new header is beautiful!

  2. Ohhh! Love tea, too!
    Expecially sipping it from beautiful china together with dear friends! I have been given a wonderful teapot on Valentine's Day, you can see it in my current post!

  3. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Oh, a lovely tea party it was, I'm sure...Let's get together for tea soon..

  4. Your blog is such a comfort to my eyes. I love the header and your post as well. I'm not overly fond of hot tea, but if I were with a group of friends, I'm sure it wuold be delicious.

  5. I'm sure you're aware of how blessed you are have tea party friends like that. :)

    Btw, have been meaning to ask when your (mine too in absentia!) book club meets again.

    And finally, but not leastly...thank you so much for the sweet b'day card you sent me. I got it today! You are a sweetie pie.

  6. What a lovely headliner! LOOKS
    absolutely like Victoria Magazine!
    What fun and delight you gave us
    yesterday! Thank you!



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