Friday, February 20, 2009

casting cares

"Casting all your cares on Him (God) for He cares for you!" I can just hear voices of children reciting this favorite verse. In fact I can practically remember the voices of my little friends in Sunday School as we children said this verse in unison. Such a simple statement, maybe easy for a childlike faith, but difficult to do in reality. 

Sometimes I feel like it's a big tug of war, this casting our cares on our Heavenly Father. Especially the big burdens. I cast them at His feet in submission, and before you know it, I've got them back in my hands, doing a great job in the anxiety or worry department. What is it about trust, that it can't totally be ours (or at least mine) long term? How thankful I am that as a child I learned the story deep into my heart. Now if I could only live it all the time, like a childlike faith, believing.


  1. I totally get you, baby. Unfortunately it makes sense to me.:)

  2. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I'm right there, too...


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