Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We Did It!

Yes we did! We successfully made bread with our mentoring group. Let me tell you I was as nervous about this as about taking a final exam, and felt similar relief when it was over. I had to teach the girls each step and I didn't have a lot of confidence. But it worked! And they were great fun!

We set up seven stations using the spacious kitchen of one of the mentors. It was perfect. We watched the yeast rise in the warm water and then "went to town." We had found a "cool rise" recipe that allows you to keep the rising bread in the frig up to 48 hours before baking.

By the time the evening was over the
bread was starting to rise so they
scurried home to put it in the frig.

How fun for me to get photo texts the next morning from
 three girls who had gotten up early and baked it for breakfast! 
I know one who is going to try baking a four-loaf recipe. 
Now they know how, should they want to make bread; 
for sure it's a money-saving skill.


  1. You know I love this group! What a treat for all those "younger" ladies.

  2. There is such joy in passing along a piece of homemaking heritage... =) I love this group! I know each of you enjoy being a part of it. blessings ~ tanna

  3. What an inspiration you are to these young women! I think it's wonderful that you and the other mentors take your time to teach these girls homemaking skills. Blessings to you!

  4. A wonderful post Dotsie, you ladies are passing on skills that might otherwise be lost in future generations.
    This granny could have attended and learned, I've never made a yeast bread.

  5. Maybe they've learned what a comfort bread-baking is as well. Nothin' like it. :)

  6. How wonderful that you taught them to bake bread! That really is a money saving thing, bread is very expensive and not nearly as good as homemade bread. It is a skill though, one that once it is taught, can be such fun. I made a dozen buns yesterday from a new to me recipe and it is really delicious, I'm eating a bun for breakfast!
    Have a wonderful day!

  7. Wonderful! I love to make bread!


  8. Wonderful! Bread making is a wonderful skill to develop. And there's no store-bought bread that comes close to the taste of REAL home-baked bread right from the oven.

  9. Now that's a new one to me...a bread making party! I love it. You taught them well.

  10. What a great skill to learn and pass on. Homemade bread is the BEST!

  11. Podso,
    I needed to be in attendance for that class!!! I can't make yeast bread, at all!!! So~o~o glad you shared this skill with your lovely ladies!!! The bread looks simply divine!!!

  12. YAY!! That is so awesome!

    I have never really learned how to make that kind of bread - have cake/sweet breads like bananas, spice, etc down to a science, but not the yeast/rising kind - you have inspired me to do so!

    My hubs does every so often and it smells divine when baking, but he's still kinda learning too, seems to have some difficulty, though.

    I just love that pic of your group.

  13. I had a go but it was awful, I was told that if you had warm hands your bread is never any good.

  14. Oh, you did it!! How exciting! Those gals are going to be so happy with their new skill! :)

  15. How wonderful it's like Food Network in real life!

    You are so great!


  16. How cool is that? What fun! Yeah for you!!!...I can smell it, is that possible? LOL

  17. I lovelovelove making bread - by hand or in the stand mixer, kneading or no-knead, gluten-free or regular, whole grain or white, sweet or sourdough - but it REALLY looks fun making bread in a group! What a fun time this would have been!

  18. I'm ashamed to say I've never made yeast bread.

    It's wonderful when people like you step up to the role of encouraging younger ones to learn these life skills.
    Well done Dotsie!

    My 8yr old granddaughter made bread all by herself when I was over there!
    There was a little round loaf for each of us even a tiny one for the baby!

  19. That is wonderful! I love to bake bread and this is the time of year I like to do it. After seeing your post, I'm motivated!!


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