Some time ago the hospital gave me a watch for working there 20 years. It was nothing fantastic and I've already had it at the watch doctor once. It seems to keep time when it feels like it. Any many times it's not in the mood. So the Gardener was thinking I needed a new watch for my birthday. Which got me thinking about how I am a watch-wearer. But I don't think I know many other women who do wear watches. Even nurses I work with seem to prefer cell phones or wall clocks. Are watches out of style? The photo to the side is proof that I have always worn a watch as long as I can remember. My mother also, even now, wants a watch on her wrist every day. Maybe for me it's a control thing ... always needing to know the time.
I was at a department store the other day and heard a mom ask as sales lady what's "in" for teenagers right now. And she pointed the mom to the watch counter. Not quite the watch counter I'm used to. Huge watches, decorative in all kinds of ways ... Then I remembered a younger woman sitting next to me in church last week wore such a thing. So, I guess I got my answer about what's "in." They are fun, but probably not practical enough for me.
So I'm taking an unofficial survey. Do you wear a watch?
I do wear one, but not always. I do use the cell phone a lot to see what time it is. I noticed my 20-something niece this weekend was wearing a very large watch.
ReplyDeleteNo...I used to, but when I retired, off it came!
ReplyDeleteYes and no. I want to wear a watch but haven't been able to find the perfect one--i.e., large enough to see and with numbers. I've been searching for several months now. Well, I did find a few but they were a lot of money. I like to know the time and there isn't always a wall clock available. I only turn my cell phone on if I'm going to make a call so that doesn't work for me as a time piece. My car clock is only correct part of the year as it's too much trouble to change with the time change. This all coming from a person who is obsessed with always being on time!!
I did when I worked, but since I can see the time on my cell phone, my watch is in the jewelry box.
ReplyDeleteOh, Dostsie it is so interesting to hear you say the young nurses use their cell phones or wall clocks... no more taking pulses with the new technology! A second hand was mandatory. Working in surgery gave me years of nothing on my arms or hands (other than gown and glove).... I still struggle just to wear my wedding band and sometimes a watch. The only time I really liked wearing a watch was in my years of marathon running which DID have me addicted to the Ironman watch by Timex... it certainly wasn't a fashionable watch. Just Saturday in a sporting goods store I saw a beautiful ruby red one. I told Evan that it was the color I would have worn if it had been available in those days!! Love the photo of you with your watch!! blessings ~tanna
ReplyDeleteHi Podso. I have to say no. I don't. But when I was younger I did for a short time. The photo of you was so cute.
ReplyDeleteNo, but there was a time when I did. That was during my teaching years when it seemed important, especially on class trips and the playground. Now I suppose the cell phone would replace those needs.
ReplyDeleteHope that you get a cute and functional one! My sister, a nurse, wears a watch daily.
Interesting, that so many women don't wear watches. My daughter never does - she relies on her phone.
ReplyDeleteI wear a watch every, single day - even if I'm just gardening or lazing around. I have an every day watch, and a beautiful one that was a gift on our 25th anniversary. I have a collection of Swatches for fun and a cheap-o one for the aforementioned gardening. I feel naked without a watch.
I too, have always worn a watch. Nowadays I don't wear one around the house as there is a clock in almost every room except the bathroom. The kitchen has clocks on the stove and microwave plus a battery one above the sink. That one is there so I can see the time from the front door when I'm outside working! I have one watch that hubby gave me when I turned 50. It's almost 12 years old and has seen 3 batteries. I always need to know the time it seems. Have a great day! Pamela
ReplyDeleteThat's a wonderful photo of you. Yep! I wear a watch. In fact, I never take it off and folks find that weird. It's a Tissot waterproof watch. If I want to know the time, all I have to do is look at my wrist. I don't have a blackberry or iPhone. I still have my old Nokia cellphone and I barely use it for anything other than a call or sms -- and that's not every day. I'm still old fashioned when it comes to technology. I used to change my watches according to my outfit, but now I just keep this one on 24-7. :) Have a great day! Tammy
ReplyDeleteUsed to wear one all the time, but found I was living by it too much, meaning I was always looking at it.
ReplyDeleteOne son got me a new one for Mother's Day. I wear it every so often, but it covers up my tattoo....darn! :)
I wear a watch and always have. I have several and wear what I'm in the mood for. Yes, the men's style watches are big and chunky, hubby gave me one for my birthday and I do love it. I still can't break the habit of looking at wall clocks though!
I always wore a watch when I worked as an RN, but when it broke afetr I retired I never replaced it. I usually use my cell phone if I need to know the time.
ReplyDeleteDid you know nurses whose watches were upside down clock face pins they wore on their chest? I loved those -- they were popular with nuses that trained in England.
I don't wear a watch either.
ReplyDeleteHi Podso. I do not wear a watch...I don't like things around my wrist. I've got a clip-on watch that I keep on my purse but rarely consult it. There always seems to be a clock somewhere nearby, or the cell phone too, of course.
ReplyDeleteHis Dotsie
ReplyDeleteYes, like you I have always worn a watch. I have several as a matter of fact and even wear one when gardening.
Interesting question. Yes, I wear a watch - always. I feel lost without it. But my children rely on their cell phones. However, my daughter occasionally wears an oversized watch as an accessory.
ReplyDeleteI never ever wear a watch. I feel like it controls me!
ReplyDeleteI have been know to wear one that has died, at least until I have replaced the battery! I feel naked without it.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I've tried to be a watch wearer, but it takes more dedication than I have to stick with it. I have never had a perfect or even a likeable watch except the red plaid swatch that I had in the 1990's, and I lost that. See, I'm just not a watch wearer.
Always everyday and I am a stay at home mom...then it broke, we didn't replace it and I stopped the habit...now I haven't worn one in years. After teenage schedules for years and years I even hate looking at a clock, but I am still raising two so some days I have to pay attention to time.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your new watch...I noticed my son (age 23) is trying to learn to wear a watch again
I used to, but don't anymore. My husband bought me a lovely watch when we were engaged, and I wore it for many years. Not working outside the home....I guess time isn't too important to me....? lol.
ReplyDeleteFunny that you should ask. I made a conscious decision to quit wearing a watch in 1986. I decided that if 1. I couldn't remember that I was supposed to be someplace, 2. No one cared enough to call and make sure that I'd be there, and 3. No one in my family said, "Get in the car; it's time to go....then I didn't really need to be there. I had just given up being the crazy la la Junior League lady....on every committee and on the board of directors...thinking that perhaps my city couldn't go on without me. Funny thing...it went right on without missing a beat. I have two gorgeous watches, gifts from Sweet Mister. The only time that I ever put them on is if I want them as jewelry. It's worked pretty well for me. Thanks for the question. Cherry Kay