Some time ago the hospital gave me a watch for working there 20 years. It was nothing fantastic and I've already had it at the watch doctor once. It seems to keep time when it feels like it. Any many times it's not in the mood. So the Gardener was thinking I needed a new watch for my birthday. Which got me thinking about how I am a watch-wearer. But I don't think I know many other women who do wear watches. Even nurses I work with seem to prefer cell phones or wall clocks. Are watches out of style? The photo to the side is proof that I have always worn a watch as long as I can remember. My mother also, even now, wants a watch on her wrist every day. Maybe for me it's a control thing ... always needing to know the time.
I was at a department store the other day and heard a mom ask as sales lady what's "in" for teenagers right now. And she pointed the mom to the watch counter. Not quite the watch counter I'm used to. Huge watches, decorative in all kinds of ways ... Then I remembered a younger woman sitting next to me in church last week wore such a thing. So, I guess I got my answer about what's "in." They are fun, but probably not practical enough for me.
So I'm taking an unofficial survey. Do you wear a watch?