Sunday, June 19, 2011

street stories

The other night we wandered uptown (what our center city is called) for a buskapaloova. 
It was a wonderful warm summer evening in the city. Admittedly I had to look up the 
definition for busking, but once I realized what it meant, I knew exactly what we were in for. 
How many times have the Gardener and I walked by buskers in big cities 
... and now to experience a plethora all at once in our fair city! 
Stories came from the evening we enjoyed with good friends.
1. We met a man from our church wearing a sling. I asked him why he wasn't busking. 
His response came quickly, "Like I could with my broken arm." 
I had only been kidding and thought he was too, 
until after some bantering I realized he wasn't joking. He actually comes uptown to
 busk as a magician by the Performing Arts Center several evenings a week. 
The kid shows are the most lucrative in tips. 
Who knew?

2. The Gardener with his long aching back always has his eye out for a bench whenever we walk. We were people-watching on such a bench when a very young mother and her about-4-year-old daughter came to sit on the bench across from us. She looked anxious and so young to be a mom. Little daughter's sandal was broken. How was she to get her home? I wondered how I could help her. Could there be something in my bag to help?  As I left her figuring out how to put it together I mostly was thrilled to see her anxious face relax a bit knowing someone understood and cared.
Yea for dental floss!!

3. As the sun went down we concentrated more time listening to the folk music. And noticed an older couple sitting in chairs. Definitely hippies straying from the 60s--his long gray hair; her peasant dress. These smart people carried their chairs from one performer to the next, sitting for a good spell before folding up, placing a tip in the hat, and moving to the next one. As they sat they held hands. 
The sweetness and tenderness of their relationship spilled out all around them.
 I wondered what their story is.
See Mary's Little Red House for more mosaics.


  1. What a wonderful evening!!! You have some wonderful pictures. I especially like the "holding hands!" Cathy

  2. Looks like you had a great time! I love to people watch and this looks like the place and time to do that! Have a great week.

  3. Looks like a fun time, wonderful photos. I like the shot of the horse and carriage.

  4. Looks like a fun time. I'm glad you made it out with your camera!

  5. Sounds like a fun event, and I loved your stories! xoxo

  6. Sounds like you had a good time but what was better watching the entertainment or watching people from your bench? V

  7. What an exciting place. Love the one of the couple and their little story of wandering about.

    Visiting from Mary's :)

  8. What a nice way to spend an evening. We've attended a similar event and thoroughly enjoyed it.
    I enjoy the way you write whenever you write a narrative to go with your photos - especially your description of people.

  9. You guys have so much fun :)

  10. Sounds like a fun time! Great shots!

  11. I so enjoyed visiting this buskapaloova (had no idea what that was before your post) with you, Dotsie. Your perspective always warms my heart... dental floss indeed. blessings ~ tanna

  12. Thank for sharing your special night. Sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy your week.

  13. Happy Fathers' Day from RetroCollage! Free gift! Subscribe & receive a free Fathers' Day Instant Ancestors collage!

  14. I see many buskers in NYC trying to earn a few dollars as they practice their art on the streets, but I neve rheard the term "buskapaloova"! It looked like a fun event!

    Yey, indeed, for dental floss--I am never without it.

  15. I see many buskers in NYC trying to earn a few dollars as they practice their art on the streets, but I neve rheard the term "buskapaloova"! It looked like a fun event!

    Yey, indeed, for dental floss--I am never without it.

  16. Great evening, you all look like you had a wonderful night! Thanks hon for sharing this special time with is "little one?" Hey, Podso, when were you in Guayaquil?! daughter is so excited that I have a blog friend that was in Guayaquil!, it's so hot here, like 85!! W went out to eat in great places and we celebrated Victoria's 7th. b'day with a great children's party, that will post as soon as I get home. Thanks, again, sweetie for your visit. Love, FABBY

  17. That looks like fun! I wish we'd known about it.

  18. Certainly sounds like an eventful and entertaining evening. Have a great week. Tammy

  19. What a good would have to put you in a happy frame of mind. We have street musicians in our town every Thursday and Saturday nights!

  20. What a beautiful evening you had. We used to have buskerfests here a few years ago when they'd close a street block or two. It was always fun and entertaining to walk around and visit with folk we knew. I like the last photo of the hippie couple. I bet they do have an interesting story. Pamela

  21. Interesting word for the description of what these folks do to earn some bucks! I've never heard that word. :-)
    Looks like you had a fun evening. what a sweet picture of the couple holding hands.
    ~ Sue

  22. Looks like a wonderful time!

  23. What a wonderful evening! And I love how you helped the broken sandal problem.

  24. It looks like the perfect evening! ♥

  25. Wonderful mosaic showing all of us a wonderful evening. This group of shots reminds me of my trips to London and all of the street mimes and performers, Genie


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