Thursday, June 30, 2011


When I'm walking or enjoying nature or taking note of small good things that come in my days, I often think about how rich we are with a richness that costs nothing. The other day in the stillness of early morning, I passed a bleached-blonde, slightly overweight older woman whose arms were folded across her heart as she gazed up at the morning sun shimmering through the trees. All was quiet except for bird music. Her face showed enraptured delight.

That's when I thought again about whether we live in poverty or in wealth or in between, in sickness or in health, hard times or good, we all share the important riches in life. Sunsets. an ocean breeze. thirst quenching water. shady trees. There is much to enjoy if you look around.

"...being grateful for small daily joys like the evening light, and the smell of roses, and the singing of birds ...:                                                                                                      ~ henry van dyke

photo: random house in a small Florida town, just down the street from the two houses at top of blog.


  1. Did you pass me by and I didn't see you? ;) In my younger day, while on my early morning runs, I always felt the sun rays filtering through the trees were the fingertips of God sending me hugs and blessings. I was enraptured every day.

    Beautiful post, Dotsie. Beautiful. blessings ~ tanna

  2. I find my day goes better when it starts sitting quietly on the porch and listening to the natural sounds around me--sounds that occur before the rest of the world wakes up I like to think.


  3. Our minds are running in the same direction. So many good things...all by God, for us.

  4. Hi Podso
    How many gardeners put a lovely bench in their garden and never sit on it to relax and enjoy the beauty around them?
    I sit on mine, a step, chair or even rock to drink in the plants and hum of activity by the insects and wildlife. Way too often, too, I might add as so much is missed if you're not looking.

  5. What a thought inspiring post. I love to sit on the back porch early in the morning with a cup of coffee and watch the day come to life. I also like to sit on the front deck and see everyone going about their life. I wonder where they are rushing off to or how their day is going.

  6. It is good to be back at last catching up with your blogging activities, I never cease to be amaze by the beauty of nature all around us.

  7. Beautiful post and SO true.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  8. Early morning blue skies and rising sun accompanied by birdsong does tend to send one into raptures! My favorite time of day...

  9. We're rich beyond most peoples' wildest dreams - and we'll be celebrating on both sides of the border.

  10. I've always loved the quote that the best things in life aren't "things." We have many riches if we only open our eyes and hearts to see them!

    Happy 4th of July!

  11. Podso Dear,
    What a touching post. I have been so thankful for the past week of beautiful balmy breezy days, for sunshine after months of rain, for flowers and miles and miles of green! Yes, a perfect stick is a wonder even for me.
    Have a lovely summer!

  12. Podso,
    You have touched my heart and my soul with this post!


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