Monday, August 11, 2008

oh the weather outside ...

There should be some comment made about the glorious weather we are having here. Everyone has noticed ... and rejoiced. It's as if we've been transplanted up to some northern state where they have bearable summers! Opening the house today, and feeling the cool dry air flow in ... ah, there's nothing like it! What a gift!


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    You have the right idea. It's been so easy to complain, I should be as quick to be thankful.

    Windows are up, air conditioning off, fans blowing. And it's AUGUST!

    Loving it too!

  2. Blacksburg is just as glorious! 50 degrees last night! Had me thinking about jeans and sweatshirts!

  3. Very New Englandy!
    If that's a word.
    Makes me think of Block
    Island, Rhode Island.



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